King's Business - 1915-01

«î»«J»«J»«J*«$*♦$**J**$*«j*>♦« ,*♦»J**J»„J,*J*«J*♦*♦*$*«$* ♦$♦«J» *++ ♦•**J* >g»vg« lg»»J»*Jt»g»»'4«J* ,g4»*4>J*«g*»J*»*4«J»*♦«♦£»»J,*J»>J4>J*«g»*g»*♦««g»♦£**J* ❖ ♦> A —r ----------- :----'------!----------------'--------------------------------------- — ---U---- ------ ä * I B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles f * 1 * *î**î*»J4«J*»*♦»J**J»+J«»J»»J«»J»»I«£»»g* *£♦«£«+g<*J»«J**g«*g*«g»*g*>gg»*g«*J*»*4«g*♦}•♦4 % *¡* ♦$ *J»*J» F OR some months prayer was made for a launch for the seamen’s work. The prayer was answered through Mr. A. people and that accounts for all the good things said about this shop. «g»>♦«*2* ***

C. Stewart, who gladdened the heart of Mr. Zimmerman by giving us a beautiful boat, just the thing for reaching the vessels without the loss of time. A bout thirty of the students utilized the Thanksgiving vacation in making a trip to the mountains. Splendid arrangements were made at Hoegee’s Camp for the use of tents and so forth. A camp fire at night, a climb to the top of Mount Wilson, family prayers, good appetite, plenty of good pro­ visions were among the numbers on the program. Miss Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis chaperoned the young people. M r . J ames V aus , who has been assist­ ing in the seamen’s work, has resigned his position and has dedicated his life to the work for the Jews. Mr. Vaus believes that the Lord has given him a special call to this important work and has cast himself upon the Lord for the supply of his needs! Several years of definite service for the Master has qualified our brother for this labor of love and we heartily commend him to our friends for prayer. T he P rint S hop has made a big place for itself in a few mohths. Not only do we do all kinds of book and commercial work but we do it so well that customers come back with a hearty commendation. A recent order given on Friday evening for seventy-five thousand copies of an inset for a magazine was filled and the matter de­ livered on Monday afternoon and we didn’t run on Sunday either. Mr. Havermale, the Superintendent, who has had twenty-nine years’ experience in this work, has associat­ ed with him a corps of practical, reliable

T he B ook R oom —We doubt if there is anywhere in the country a more beautiful Book Store than the “Biola.” While we have sought to have it everything that could be desired in its appointments we have given special attention to the stock. Here you will find a very complete line of re ligious books of the right kind. We carry none of a doubtful character. We endeavor to have every book that goes upon our shelves read through and to discard all that fail to glorify our Lord and Master Jésus Christ. Our catalogue of 150 pages will tell you the story of the books and will be sent upon application. There are Bibles, Testaments, booklets, wall cards and*tracts of all varieties. If there is anything in the book or Bible line that you want, write to us and if it is good we will fill the order. W hat is the B ible I nstitute ? If you should ask any one of several hundred young people who are doing splendid" worn for the Master they would tell you that it is a training school, where men and women are taught in a thoroughly practical way the great doctrines and truths of the Bible and how to use them in preaching, teaching and practical evangelism. There are thou­ sands of people all over this country who would tell you that the Bible Institute was a soul saving station whose workers were busy night and day reaching unsaved peo­ ple in all walks of life. Men would tell you in foreign parts that they had been saved by our workers at San Pedro harbor. People on the foreign field would rise up and call us blessed because our trained workers had been led into the dark fields to carry the light. Thousands of young people would say to you, “Through the in-

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