King's Business - 1915-01

SOME OF OUR BEST BOOKS The books described below have been approved by our special re­ viewer with the comments quoted. They will be sent prepaid upon receipt of list price. The Resurrection of Jesus. B y

pel. B y R. A . Falconer, D . L itt. S tiff paper _______ ________ ______ 50c This book should be very useful in the study of Gospel truth. The studies are methodically arranged and syste­ matically divided into paragraphs. On pages 121-128 the author shows the absurdity of interpreting the truths of the Bible according to naturalism. The Gospel in Isaiah. B y Chas. S. R ob in son , D .D . C loth_____50c The Gospel plan of salvation is prac­ tically and simply set forth in these expositions. For Childhood and Youth: Ideals of the Modern Sunday School. B y T h ise lto n Mark, D . L itt. C loth — ------- J ____________ _65c This book gives minute details for the proper organization of Sunday Schools, and. shows, also, the best methods of teaching so as to retain the attention of the scholars. Thoughts on Christianity and Judaism. B y W illiam Jeffrey. C loth --------_ _ ------------------------ $ 1.00 A series of discourses on the Epistles to the Galatians and Hebrews, show­ ing very clearly the distinction exist­ ing between law and grace. On page 212 he shows the absurdity of state­ ments made by the higher critics, and also shows the falsity of the new sys­ tems of religion. On page 305 the theory of evolution is condemned The Angel in the Sun. B y John B a lcom Sh aw , D .D . C loth ....$1.00 The supernatural as seen in the natural world. The sun represents the natural world at its best, and the angel . stands for the supernatural world almost at its lowest point. The first chapter is of a psychological character, but the statements are kept within proper limits. All the dis­ courses are good, especially chapters V. and IX. On page 165 he shows his disapproval of the Evolution theory as accepted by many modern scientists.

Jam es Orr, M .A ., D .D . C loth_50c The writings of Dr. Orr need no criti­ cism. In this book he points out first some of the erroneous teachings of the higher critics with reference to the resurrection. Afterwards, he states the truths of this doctrine in that plain and straightforward manner which is a characteuistic of all his teachings. Science and Christianity. B y F . B e tte x . C loth_______ ___________ 50c The masterly statement showing the true relationship between Science and Religion. The erroneous theories of many higher critics, in nearly all de­ partments of science, are first given, and the reasons showing why these theories are wrong are then stated. Religious Education and the Public School. B y G eorge U . W enner* C lo th____ ____________75c If the ideas set forth in these pages could be carried out in practice, it would be a great step in advance in the religious education of the rising generation of boys and girls. Miracles and Science. B y Fran ­ c is J. Lamb. C lo th ________$1.50 The author, who is an attorney-at-law, subjects the miracles of the Bible to the same tests that would be required in a case at law. The evidence ad­ duced shows the credibility of the doctrine that the miracles were ac­ tually performed. The Atonement and the Modern Mind. B y Jam es D en n e y , D .D . C loth __________ ,__________ __$1.00 •This is a most valuable work on the atonement. It should beread and carefully studied by all who engage in gospel work. Law and the Cross. B y C. F. C reigh ton . Cloth...™___ j____ $1.50 The doctrine ofthe atonement is ably discussed by the author from a legal standpoint. The Truth of the Apostolic Gos­

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