King's Business - 1915-01

The Cross in Modern Life. B y R ev. J. G. G reenhough , M .A . C loth ......__..._---------------------- \ -----50c A book of great spiritual insight. Every sermon is worthy of careful perusal. The Gospel of the Resurrection. B y B . F . W e stc o tt, D .D . C loth ________________,_________.50c This is an excellent work which re­ quires very close application in order to follow the metaphysical reasoning of the author. The Sinlessness of Jesus. B y Carl U llm ann , D .D . C loth—$1.00 This is a standard theological work on the subject of which it treats. Gleams from the Momin'g Star and Beams of the Son of Righteousness. B y R ev . Geo. W .D av is. Paper.______ __— „...50c C loth ___________ ------------------ -$1.00 An excellent series of discourses on the Second Coming of Christ from the premillennial point of view. What Does the Resurrection of Christ Mean? B y F . E . Marsh. C loth ------- -----------------------25c -------- 50c This book might well -be termed “The Student’s Hand-Book of the Doctrine of Christ’s Resurrection.” Christianity in the Home. B y T h eod o re L. Cuyler, D .D . C loth _______ -$1.00 Full of good spiritual advice both for parents and children. Would be of inestimable value in every home where the suggestions given in this book are heeded. The Meaning and Message of the Cross. B y H en r y C. Ma- b ie, D .D . C lo th ....................... .$1.25 Dr. Mabie holds a prominent place as a religious writer and speaker. This book, setting forth the work of re­ demption, is probably his masterpiece. The Death of Christ. B y Jam es D en n e y , D .D . C lo th ________$1.50 In this book the false views of many writers are shown, and the true teach­ ing of the Word concerning the death of Christ is clearly explained. The Cross in Christian Experi­ ence. B y W . M. C low , B .D . C loth ------- !_____________ ________ 50c A grand exposition of the doctrine of the atonement. L arger ed ition

The Cross in Human Life. B y Jam es L ittle , S .T .D . C loth ....$1.00 This book is well written, and throws much light on the doctrine of the cross. Missionary Readings for Mis­ sionary Programs. B y B e lle M . Brain. Cloth....------------- A collection of stirring incidents culled from the lives of a number of missionaries. Calculated to inspire zeal for missionary work in the minds of those for whom these readings are selected. Modern Substitutes for Chris­ tianity. B y P . M eAdam Muir, D .D . Cloth...— ------ -— - - 5 0 c In this book many of the religious errors of the present day are ably dis­ cussed. A Year’s Addresses for the Young. B y R ev . J. R eid H ow a tt. C loth ----------- ----------- 50c A collection of sermons with illustra­ tions drawn from nature and from real life. Well suited to the spiritual needs of children and of older per­ sons, also. Old Time Religion. B y R ev . S. B . Shaw . Cloth......—-— -..........$1.00 A series of stirring incidents showing how the hearts of God’s people who lived a century ago were fired by the Holy Spirit to labor for the salvation of souls. The Climbers. B y Y o rk e Jones. Cloth -------- -------- - ----------- --75c A fascinating story about the colored people, showing how some of the des­ cendants of those who were once in a state of slavery are becoming good citizens through the influences of re­ ligion and education. The interest continues to increase to the end of the story. The Testimony of the Witnesses. B y O. A . H ills, D .D . C loth ... .$1.50 A fine exposition of the Acts of the Apostles. The truths presented in the various sections and in many sin­ gle verses of the Acts are given in outline which will be very helpful to students in preparing Gospel ad­ dresses; also, of great benefit to Sun­ day School teachers. Object Lessons for Junior Work. B y E lla N . W o o d . Cloth................50c This book should be of great assist­ ance to Junior Superintendents.

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