Fall 2023 Quarterly Magazine

Meet a Few Alpha Phi Foundation Scholarship Recipients

Kay Wainwright Nixon Memorial Scholarship

Beverly Lasher Memorial Scholarship “Receiving this scholarship has been a transformative experience for my medical training, enabling me to delve deeper into my passions for women’s health and mentorship. It has provided me with invaluable resources and opportunities to pursue specialized courses, attend conferences and collaborate with renowned experts. With this support, I am empowered to make meaningful contributions, address critical issues and advocate for positive change within the realms of women’s health, gender equality and medical education. I am forever grateful to Alpha Phi for this generosity.” – Olivia Negris (Theta-Michigan)

“This scholarship is a pivotal step toward realizing my professional dreams as it provides support and resources for me to pursue my passions, thrive in my undergraduate experience and create a successful career journey. Through my involvement with Alpha Phi, I have developed invaluable leadership skills that have empowered me to overcome challenges, make a positive impact in my community and emerge as a compassionate and influential leader in my chosen career path. Alpha Phi has shaped me into a woman I am proud of by helping me become a strong and confident individual, while also fostering lifelong friendships that have contributed significantly to my personal growth.” – Lauren Nosky (Gamma Kappa-CSU Long Beach)

Foundation Board of Directors BIPOC Scholarship “I am so grateful that the Alpha Phi Foundation has made an investment in my education. With this scholarship, I will be one step closer to graduating with my MBA from Harvard Business School, enabling me to achieve my professional goals.” – Muna Momah (Iota Kappa-Dartmouth)

Constance Purkiss Kelly Scholarship “I am extremely grateful and honored to be selected as the Constance Purkiss Kelly Scholarship recipient this year, which will be used in support of my medical school education at Yale. I am deeply grateful for the foundational lessons Alpha Phi has provided me and the unwavering support during my educational journey to becoming a physician.” – Madisen Swallow (Delta- Cornell)

Thank you to all our generous Foundation donors for making these gifts possible and funding the future of Alpha Phi! Learn more about Alpha Phi Foundation’s commitment to scholarship and how to support future recipients with a gift at aphifdn.org/Scholarships2023 .


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