Fall 2023 Quarterly Magazine

Garlic Vinaigrette Tips By Lindsey Garrett Digital Marketing Specialist at Campus Cooks

1. This is a dressing for garlic lovers . You can use fresh garlic as directed or substitute ½ teaspoon of garlic powder. Use more or less to taste. 2. If you can make this recipe, then you can make any vinaigrette recipe! This is a building block recipe that you can play with as you get more confident with it.

6. Sesame seeds or poppy seeds would add great texture to a vinaigrette like this, or consider serving your salad with nuts like sliced almonds, chopped pecans or roasted pistachios. 7. And if you like bacon , that would be a great addition to this vinaigrette, too. You could even use some of the bacon grease as a substitute for the olive oil, if you wanted, but no more than 1 tablespoon. 8. If using dark, hearty greens like kale, massage them a bit first in the vinaigrette before serving. This will make them more tender without turning them soft. 9. This vinaigrette also makes a stellar marinade for proteins like chicken, shrimp, fish or vegetables before grilling, roasting or sautéing. 10. Don’t forget the croutons! They soak up this vinaigrette without turning soggy and offer a great crunch to your salad.

3. We used red wine vinegar, but you could

substitute apple cider vinegar like the original Alpha Phi recipe uses or any other vinegar you prefer. 4. Dijon mustard is preferred for this garlic vinaigrette recipe, but whole grain mustard would also work well. Avoid sweet mustards like honey mustard as we are already using sugar. 5. Are you avoiding processed sugar? Then swap it for natural sugar like honey, agave or maple syrup.


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