Fall 2023 Quarterly Magazine

International President Kate Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU East Bay)

I was so excited to hear that this issue was about all things culinary and Alpha Phi. Food is my love language, and I love cooking, baking, reading cookbooks, perusing food blogs and just sharing a meal with friends, family, coworkers etc. As everyone’s lives are so much busier than ever before, the ability to sit down and have a meal together is often difficult or overlooked; yet that time spent together is always so enjoyable and worth it. My family started doing “family dinner” on a weekly basis when my youngest was about 2 years old. As the kids grew older, they knew that no matter what was happening throughout the week they had to be home on Sundays at 4 p.m. Most weeks, there is extended family or friends included, and everyone knows that we are not available for events on Sunday nights because this is our priority. I do the same with my staff. We have our in-person meetings every other week, and we start with sharing a meal together. It is a great way to catch up and get to know each other on a personal level that helps strengthen the working relationship. Our housed chapters have this same opportunity at weekly dinners before chapter meetings. It is a special time for all members to gather together while enjoying good food and great conversation. The comradery and sisterhood that comes out of these meals is priceless. Whether housed or unhoused, gathering for a meal is a great way to stay connected to each other and strengthen our sisterhood. It’s also an easy way to include potential COB members. As alumnae, our days are filled with our work, families and other obligations. Yet, when we gather together as sisters, we always

have a great time and say we should do it more often. These special moments help to reconnect us to what we all hold dear. Our alumnae events are also often food-related, and they bring women of all ages together to enjoy our shared connection. I encourage all of you to take the time to celebrate a meal with your sisters. I guarantee it will be a great experience. Whether you gather with just a few friends or with many at an alumnae event, I guarantee that it will be a great experience. And don’t forget to share your experiences on social media by taking plenty of photos and videos and tagging Alpha Phi. We'd love to see them.


Kate Halfon (Eta Delta-CSU East Bay) International President

Have you gathered with your Alpha Phi sisters recently? Submit photos to marketing@alphaphi.org.

Ex-officio: Renee Zimmerman Zainer, Executive Director Ex-officio: Rebecca Andrew Zanatta, Foundation Chair Foundation Directors Rebecca Andrew Zanatta, Chair Jenny Concepciòn Hansen, Vice Chair

Amy Peebles, Executive Director Ex-officio: Kathleen (Kate) Boyle Halfon, International President Executive Office Executive Director: Renee Smith Zimmerman Zainer

International Executive Board Kathleen (Kate) Boyle Halfon,

Foundation Office Executive Director: Amy Peebles 1985 S. Josephine Street Denver, Colorado 80210 (847) 475-4532

International President Linda (Allie) Winkelman, Vice President Billie Coskey Battiato, Secretary/Treasurer Dawn Kreisel Bauer Karen Bloch Bavender Stacey Thulin Daniel Keri Miller Van Acker Ex-officio: Laura Malley-Schmitt, Council of Delegates Ex-officio: Linda Long Boland, Chief Panhellenic Officer

info@alphaphifoundation.org www.alphaphifoundation.org National Panhellenic Conference

1985 S. Josephine Street Denver, Colorado 80210 (847) 475-0663 fraternity@alphaphi.org www.alphaphi.org

Council of Delegates: Laura Malley-Schmitt Chief Panhellenic Officer: Linda Long Boland Alternate Delegate: Laura Lynn Davidson Ellett

Claire Costin, Treasurer Coree Smith, Secretary Janis Coughlin-Piester

Janelle Del Carlo Susan McNeice Shana Goss Smith Barbara Tingley


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