Fall 2023 Quarterly Magazine

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Mark Your Calendars for Leadership Conference 2024 As we look ahead to the end of 2023, we hope all of you are getting excited for an exciting year ahead for Alpha Phi. Not only will 2024 be our Convention year, but the Fraternity will host another exciting and productive Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado.

Epsilon Eta-Old Dominion The Road to Recruitment at Epsilon Eta The Epsilon Eta chapter of Alpha Phi at Old Dominion University is a sisterhood comprised of approximately 40 members. Like most chapters, but especially in this case, recruitment season is the most important time of the year for this smaller chapter. “Because Greek Life is so small on our campus, we have to work hard to do everything we can to grow our chapter’s membership,” said Grace McKinnon, Epsilon Eta’s vice president of marketing. “Out of our entire chapter, over half of us have never recruited before. This means that our Vice President of Membership Recruitment, Madi Clark, had a big job on her hands [this year].” Within the last couple of years, this chapter has implemented a fun “Spirit Week” prior to its recruitment weekend. “We spent the week working with our recruitment team, ELCs and chapter advisors to learn everything we could about how to execute the best Recruitment possible,” Grace recalled. “To make our six days of Spirit Week fun and engaging for our members, we had a different theme each day. Getting to dress up and have pretty banners made this week so much fun. It felt like a weeklong sisterhood event!” According to Grace, the week consisted of sisterhood bonding activities, creation and some serious TikTok strategy. “As the vice president of marketing, this was also such a fun time for my team,” Grace explained. “We were able to boost campus engagement by implementing Instagram Reels and promotion features. It was the perfect time to show off our chapter before recruitment began.” In fact, Epsilon Eta’s Spirit Week was such a hit, other chapters of the Panhellenic Council joined them in having a Spirit Weeks of their own. “Since Greek Life has such a small presence on our campus, all of the chapters worked together to promote a ‘Go Greek’ mentality during this period, and so far, we are ahead of last year’s projections with our fall recruitment sign ups,” Grace said.

Mark your calendars now.

The South + West conference will take place January 26-28, 2024. IGs, CCMs and CCAs should plan to arrive on the evening of Thursday, January 25, for VIPHI. The East + North conference will take place February 2-4, 2024. Similarly, IGs, CCMs and CCAs should plan to arrive on the evening of Thursday, February 1, for VIPHI.

Visit AlphaPhi.org/Leadership- Conference for information on this can’t-miss event for chapter officers and volunteers.

Keep up the good work, Epsilon Eta!


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