King's Business - 1931-02

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“2 FOR 1’

“2 FOR 1”

“2 FOR 1”

“2 FOR 1

From Now Till April 15- 2 Worth-While Biola Bool* Af N Offer every bit as extraordinary as it sounds— giving you worth-while savings on worth-while books you h a J probably long wanted, at a time when you want them most) An exceptional opportunity from every stand point, so prompt action is cordially urged as EVERY order must be sent to us on or before April 15, 1931. Owing to the Sale’s liberal Conditions, Exchanges will not be permissible. Select any book in this column—and include FREE your choice of any book (of equal price) listed in this second column Kindly make second and third choice of the FREE book, as your first selection may be sold out before your order arrives. The Christian: His Creed and Conduct Truth For You B y W illiam E vans, Ph.D., D.D. T opics vital in their relation to the Christian’s life and experience. Paper 25 cts. The Spirit-Filled Life B y Rev. John MacNeil, B.A. Showing the fulness1 of the Spirit is every b e­ liever’s Birthright. Paper 25 cts. Life in a Look By M aurice S. Baldwin Covering the new Birth, Regeneration, and Growth in Grace. Paper 25 cts. Our Lord’s Return, or What Is “Maranatha?” B y G. W . G illings An^ interesting, thoroughly readable dialogue re­ lating to our Lord’s Return. Paper 25 cts. The Story of the Prodigal By Moorhouse, Moody, Spurgeon, A itken, Talma ge, and Others Pointed chapters on the prodigal’s losses, his aw akening and royal welcom e. Paper 25 cts. Intercessory Prayer B y R ev. Jam es G. K. McClure, D.D. E xalting th e sacred and im portant duty of in ­ tercession in prayer. Paper 25 cts. The Bible Through a Telescope By Rev. B. B. Sutcliffe G iving a broad view of the Bible in its unity. Paper 25 cts. By John H. Samm is 144 “vest-p ock et” pages of v ital Bible facts and inform ation. Paper 25 cts. Believing on the Son of God— What It Means By Philip Mauro H elps the believer to answ er for the truth that is in him. Paper 25 cts. Christian Science and the Word of God By Franklin G. Huling Based on absolute facts— gained first-hand by the author. Paper 25 cts. The Dance of Death— Should Christians Indulge? By John R oach Straton, D.D. An eye-opening, fearlessly w ritten book on the evils of dancing. Paper 25 cts. The Stronghold of Truth By W . H. Griffith Thomas For those who harbor a doubt as to th e Bible being God’s Word. Paper 25 cts. Key Words To The King’s Treasury B y C. E. Paxson Unlocking th e treasures of God’s Word to busy readers. Boards- 25 cts. The Touches of God B y Dr. A. C. Dixon Showing th at God is alw ays near enough to touch us at any mom ent. Paper 25 cts. The Old Testament and Its Contents B y Jam es R obertson, D.D., LI—D- A m anual of exceptional and tim ely interest. Paper 35 cts. Studies in the Epistle to the Romans By John C. P age Invaluable for comm unity Bible cla ss work. Paper 35 c ts. Paganism in Our Universities B y a U niversity Graduate Showing rejection of Christian fundam entals in higher in stitu tion s to be am azingly prevalent. Paper 35 cts. Triumphs of the Cross By W . C. Stevens Dw elling on the deeper lessons of the Cross. Paper 35 cts. Select any book in this column —and in Kindly make second and third choice of the F R E E bd? Like Christ B y Rev. Andrew Murray Hum anly show ing how man w as created to like H is Christ. Cloth 75 c With Christ B y Rev. Andrew Murray R evealing the wonderful influence of the Chtf tian living w ith Christ. ^ Cloth 75 c The Paraclete B y D. Y. Schultz T eaching th e H oly Spirit’s power, w isdom and I on Cloth 75 c Jesus Is Coming B y W . E. B lackstone. ^ Making Jesus C hrist’s com ing a living realît Cloth 75 c Ten Lessons in Personal Evangelis; By Joseph P. H icks, A.M. A thoroughly practical text-book for tian workers. all Chri C loth $1 Answered or Unanswered? By Louisa V aughan A dram atic account of m iracles of faith in Chin Cloth $1 Know Your Bible? By Am os R. W ells 1500 questions and 21 Bible knowledge. quizzes testin g on« Cloth $1 The Christ We Know B y Arno Clemens Gaebelein, D.D. “U nfolding the greatest of all them es— Jesus Christ.” -the Lo: The Return of the Lord C loth $14 By Arno Clemens Gaebelein A study of New T estam ent p assages concernir our Lord’s return. C loth $1.1 A Year’s Bible Course By Charles H. Morgan, Ph.D. A course insuring a practical w orking knowledf of the Bible. Cloth $1^ The Midnight Hour and After! By R eginald T. N aish An understanding handling of the Second Coq ing of Christ. Cloth $1.: The Story of Jesus By M. H adwin Fischer, Ph.D. A w orthy effort to discover the teaching valu< of C hrist’s life. C loth $li. Guiding a Growing Life B y Robert Edwin Gaines, M .A., Litt.D . A discussion of the newer m ethods of religion education. C loth $1.2 Grace B y Lew is Sperry Chafer, D.D. Showing the Glories of Divine Grace a s relate; to everyday life. Cloth $ l.fl The Gates of Hades By R ev. W illiam Edward Clark D iscussing the m eaning of Hades, Hell, Gehenna and Tartarus. Paper 50 cts. Two Ancient Red Cross Tales By P. W hitw ell W ilson Bible stories and history given a m ost refresh­ ing m odern m eaning. Boards 50 cts. By This Sign We Conquer By P. W hitw ell W ilson ‘‘A note on the strange R esurrection of John- T hree-Sixteen.” Paper 50 cts. The Miracle on Hermon B y John Marvin Dean A delightful story of Jesus the Carpenter. Paper 50 cts. Keep this Sale Ad for Future Refer - ence—Additional copies for your friends gladly sent for the asking. Trust And Obey and Other Songs By John H. Sammis Eternity alone will reveal all th at the author’s verse has m eant to mankind. Paper 50 cts. Mysteries of the Kingdom B y W . C. Stevens A blessed revelation on the subject of the .Lord’s Second Coming. Paper 50 cts. Qld Testament Types By Dr. Wm. B. Riley A great assistan ce to those desiring to know the Bible better. Paper 50 cts. Outline Lessons on the Life of Christ By T. C. Horton A Bible Study Course in practical Christian truths for boys and girls. Paper 50 cts. BIOLA BOOK ROOM

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