King's Business - 1931-02

February 1931


T h e

K i n g ’ s . B u s i n e s s

His Very Own Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians B y N orman B. H arrison

The Gist of the Lesson. By R. A. Tor- rey. Dr. Torrey’s voice is stilled. But he left so much material that it has been possible to continue this little vest-pocket commentary which has become almost a necessity to many a busy teacher and preacher. Dr. Torrey was always a mas­ ter at exposition of the Scripture. It is in this feature that his little book stands out from other Sunday-school lesson helps. 158 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price 35 cents. Points for Emphasis. Edited by Hight C. Moore. This is another vest-pocket commentary. It furnishes an excellent outline of each lesson, brief analytical and expositional notes, practical lessons, Gold­ en Text interpretation and illustrations, etc. Conservative Christians need not fear its theological bent. They may sometimes differ with the editor, especial­ ly, perhaps, when it comes to the question of the future kingdom of Christ. 232 pages. Sunday School Board of Southern Baptist Convention. Cloth. Price 35 cents. This volume from the pen of a gifted poet-preacher is excellent as to its inner substance and delightful as to its style. No one can write with the insight of this author who has not lived largely, suffered keenly, and experienced the best things among God’s gifts. All the works of this writer, so far as the present reviewer has discovered, can be classed as literary gems. Abingdon Press. Cloth. Price $1.75. The Blue Flame B y F. W. B oreham

deeds. His charges are so minute in de­ tail and so terrible in indictment that if he were not telling the truth he would long ago have been hailed into court and severely punished. The book will en­ lighten those who do not understand the political crookedness and financial greed that are behind the efforts to repeal or nullify the Eighteenth Amendment. 276 pages. Alcohol Information Com. Cloth. Price $1.50. Sunday School Lesson Commentaries Peloubet’s Select Notes. Edited by Amos R. Wells. This volume, so long and ably edited by Dr. Peloubet, continues to be a favorite among many teachers. It is so well known that its points of ex­ cellence need not be repeated. With each lesson there are suggestions for teachers of various groups in the Sunday-school. Maps and illustrations add greatly to its value. 384 pages. W. A. Wilde Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Arnold’s Practical Commentary. Edited by Burton J. Vincent. This has come to be a popular commentary among teachers and scholars who do not have time to wade through a great mass of material. The commentary on each lesson is brief but quite complete. Lesson questions are added for the guidance of teachers and pupils. There are provided also lesson illustrations, m issio n a ry applications, practical suggestions, blackboard material, ptc. There can be no question as to the theological soundness of this book. 233 pages. Light and Life Press, Chicago. Cloth. Price $1.00.

This volume is the: companion to the author’s book, “His Salvation as Set Forth in the Book of Romans.” Dr. Harrison gives a fourfold arrangement of the epis­ tle, and each section is accorded a uniform treatment consisting of outline, chart, note and comment. Students of Scripture will find this book a valuable help in under­ standing the deeper truths of the Epistle to the Ephesians. The outlines and charts make it especially adaptable for Bible study groups. 176 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n. Cloth $1.00; paper 60 cents. —o— When the Brewer Had the Stranglehold B y E rnest G ordon Mr. Gordon contends that the Eight­ eenth Amendment did not cause an en­ slavement of any group' of people, but that it actually led to an emancipation from the brewer whose powerful grip had al­ ways been a menace. Before the liquor traffic was outlawed by this constitutional amendment, every form of bribery, boy­ cott, and political trickery was used to keep honest, law-abiding citizens under control. The author does not merely make general statements, but quotes at length from documents found in the Government files at Washington. Coming to the pres­ ent-day situation, he names the men who are behind the wet propaganda, quotes their letters, and exposes their unlawful

Trial Subscriptions T h e K ing ’ s B usiness will be sent for three months to any address for 25 cents. To stimulate the interest and activity of present subscribers, and to extend the circulation,of the magazine, the fol­ lowing special premium offers to agents are given; Send 4 trial subscriptions and $1.00, and re­ ceive as a premium “the Tool Basket,” compiled by J. Ellis-—a collection of sermon outlines, etc., of great value to preachers and teachers. Regular price, 75 cents. Send 10 trial subscriptions and $2.50, and receive as a premium a copy of “Studies in the Life of Christ,” by A. M. Fairbairn. Regular price $1.25. Send 16 trial subscriptions and $4.00, and take your choice of the following; 1. “The Preacher and His Models” by Stalker. Regular price, $1.75. 2. “Preparing to Preach” by Breed. Regular price, $3.00. Send 20 subscriptions and $5.00, and receive as a premium a copy of the new prize story, “The Silver Trumpet” by Wesley Ingles.

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