King's Business - 1931-02


February 1931

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

over to the mission on very favorable terms. A better position for the head­ quarters could not be desired, as it is right in the heart of the work, and from it the mission can branch out into the hitherto unreached territories and press the pioneer work as never before. Dr. G. G. Crozier, who has had thirty years’ service in India, the last twelve in the Northern Manipur Hills, under the aus­ pices of the American Baptist Mission, has accepted the position as field secretary of the North East India General Mission. Dr. and Mrs. Crozier will reside in the new location, together with Rev. and Mrs. Paul Rostad. The American headquar­ ters of the mission are located at 1213 Pennsylvania Building; Philadelphia, Pa. All tracts free, as the Lord permits; su p p o rte d by ,free-w ill offerings. Send o fferin g fo r sam p le p a c k a g e of p u re , so u n d G ospel tra c ts. 25 c en ts b rin g s su rp rise p a c k a g e fo r boys a n d girls. W rite— FREE GOSPEL SOCIETY INC. Grant, M ichigan BUN Folding Organs Acknowledged the best SPECIAL Missionary Offer BILHORN BROS. 2 9 W. Lake St., Chicago

to use them in His service, and for His sake. The foregoing principle carries with it the consecration of service. “I have prepared with all my might” says David. But behind the consecration of substance and service is the consecration of self. There can be no true service, nor can our substance be truly and worthily given, un­ less we first give our own selves to the Lord (see 2 Cor. 8:5). Where the heart is given, all is given; where the heart is withheld, the utmost that is bestowed or done is but a bare utility. Such, then, is the consecration to which we are called in Christ—a consecration of self, service, and substance; and this consecration complete. It is nowhere better expressed than in the prayer of holy song: “Take my soul and body’s powers, Take my memory, mind, and w ill; All my goods, and all my hours, All I know, and all I feel; All I think, or speak, or do : Take my heart—but make it new!” |§S|l-77i0ma.y F. Lockyer. March 14 —“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him" (Psa. 37:7). “We rest on Thee,” our Shield and our Defender; We go not forth alone against the foe; Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender, “We rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go.” Yea, “in Thy name,” O Captain of Salvation! In Thy dear name, all other names •above; Jesus our Righteousness, our sure Foundation, Our Prince of Glory and our King' of Love. “We go” in faith, our own great weakness feeling, -. And needing more each day Thy grace to know: Yet from our hearts a song of triumph pealing; “We rest on Thee, and in Thy name we go.” “We rest on Thee,” our Shield and our Defender! Thine is the battle, Thine shall be the praise; When passing through the gates of pearly splendor, Victors—we rest with Thee, through endless days. — E. G. Cherry. —o— Missionary Progress in North East India The committee of the North East India General Mission, Inc., announces a remark­ able concession on the part of the gov­ ernment officials of Manipur State, As­ sam, who have given permission for the field headquarters to be moved to Chur- echandpur in the center of the state. The state has hitherto been closed to all missionaries except those who were med­ ical men. The government military com­ pound was at one time located at Chur- achandpur. The fine buildings formerly occupied by officers have been turned

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