King's Business - 1931-02

A Perpetual Pentecost

SAFE INCOME FOR LIFE Mrs. B. E. M. o f New York

“Praying Always in the Spirit" A Prayer-Meeting That Lasted One Hundred Years Day and Night 1727-1827


*‘I am happy to know that aslong asIlive I will receive each annuity paymentwith­ out fail.”

Christian Investors

W onderful sto ry of g re a t M oravian R e ­ vival re su ltin g in c o n v ersio n of Jo h n and C h a rle s W esley, th e b irth of M ethodism a n d M o d ern F o reig n M issions an d the larg e st c o n trib u tio n of sta n d a rd hym ns in C h u rc h h isto ry . B ook ju st p u b lish ed ; 96 pages, 35 c en ts e a c h ; th re e fo r $1 .0 0 postpaid. . ‘Power from on High* is a sm all book, but is full of fire. One yearns, as one reads it, for the full­ ness of the Spirit.”— Record of Christian Work, Northfield, Mass. “ ................ ‘Power from on H igh’ has ■ been a very great inspiration to me, and 1 w ish it could be in the hands of every m inister in all our church­ es.”— Dr. Charles L. Goodell, New York City. . . . 1 so delight in your book ‘Power from on H igh.’ Is it possible to get it circulated in this coun­ try r lg -D r . F. B. Meyer, London, England. Free Copy to Foreign M issionaries A ddress the author REV. JOHN GREENFIELD WARSAW, INDIANA THE WORD OF GOD FOR THE CHILD OF THIS GENERATION After six years’ work among children the writer is convinced that ninety per cent of our children do not have God's Word to read. Atheists, communists and others are wise enough to concentrate their effort to children and youth. Will we, who know its value, neglect to give the Word of God to the child of this generation? If we do, in eternity we will look back to this neglect as the collosal blunder oN>the age. Our program is: Free distribution of Bibles and Bible portions to children. A fearless exposure of evolution and distructive criticism among youth and adults and a fulfillment of Acts 5:42. Send $1.00 for 10 copies of our message, “ Laws of life” and distribute to youth. 25 copies $2.00. Write for information about THE CHILD SCRIPTURE GIFT FELLOWSHIP Newfield, N. Y. THE BOOK of DANIEL THE CLOSING AND CROWNING WORK OF REV. CLARENCE LARKIN Having received many requests for this book from Pas­ tors and Bible Students in many lands, the Bev. Larkin, though suffering in bpdy, yet strong in spirit, pressed on till this book of Daniel was completed, then His loving Saviour and Lord said "come home and rest with me.” Appeals for a picture of the author have been coming from many who have been blessed by his ministry, and to gratify their wish, a frontis-piece of the author and a fac-simile of his autograph have been placed In the book. Price $2.50. Rev. Clarence Larkin, E st, 2802 N. Park Ave., Phila. Greeting Cards for All Occasions KEEP IN TOUCH W ith your sick, sorrow ing or shut-in friends w ith suitable Greeting Cards. Keep a supply on hand for Personal or O rganization use. Scripture T ext Cards a Specialty. E aster Cards w ith Christian sentim ents, many w ith Bible T exts now ready. My ‘‘First A id K it” of appropriate greet­ ings, value ONE DOLLAR, will be sent ON APPROVAL, on request. A sk for MONEY MAKING PLANS and Catalog. Excellent profit— No investm ent necessary. MRS. L. F. PEASE 260 Laurel St. D ept. K Buffalo, N. Y.

LIBERAL RATE PROMPTLY PA ID . . The Rev. H. K. S. o f California

These are actual photographs of a few of hundreds ofmen and womenwho have written words of praisefor the annu­ ity plan that helps distribute the Word of God.

*‘I enjoy a lib­ eral rate and the annuity checks come twice a year, alwaysprompt­ ly when due.”

You, too, will find in the annuity plan o f the American Bible Society, a form o f investment which brings happiness, financial security, and freedom from worry for th e rest o f your life. Its absolute safety is guar­ anteed by the substantial re­ sources o f this great world­ wide Society which has been distributing the Scrip­ tures since 1816 . This little book is yours for the asking. Write for it NOW!

A CONVENIENT INVESTMENT . . . Mr. E. P. B. o f Florida

“The annuity plan provides a permanent and convenient income. 1need only to deposit the sem i-an­ nual check.”


Mrs . 5. G. H. o f Missouri “Iconsider the Society’swork as second to none in furth­ ering Christ’s kingdomupon the earth.”


Mr. C. T.

o f Kentucky “ I w ant my moneyto work for the Bible Cause aftermy death. Your annuities are the solution.”


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