10202221 - Master - Cyber Pandemic Training Book.pdf

The CounterCraft Cyber Deception Platform Actively defend critical business systems, processes and data

Security and risk management leaders feel rightfully frustrated by the asymmetry between attack and defense. Defenders need to be right 100% of the time, and attackers just need to be lucky once to find a hole in an otherwise solid cybersecurity posture. Tilting the Luck Scale in Your Favor

Despite heavy investments in cybersecurity, targeted cyber attacks continue to succeed.

Traditional threat prevention doesn’t keep out the flood of malware and malicious emails that your organization faces: advanced attackers keep getting in. Undetected, they can operate as long as it takes for them to achieve their goals. Invisible, they can operate without creating a threat intelligence trail.

CISOs are under pressure to prioritize security resources.

Heads of SOCs face evolving and more hostile threat landscapes with limited resources.

Threat intelligence managers suffer from intel feeds that provide no context and low actionability.

Is it Time to Change your Approach?

Detect Adversary Activity Early: Generate high-qual ity alerts of adversary activity earl ier than any other system: Pre- & Post-Breach detection. Force attackers to reveal themselves during “pre-attack” phases of attack planning and reconnaissance, or during the internal lateral movement phase. Collect Enriched Threat Data: Gather real time threat data from adversaries activity. Automatical ly enrich it with TTP, MITRE ATT&CK and IOC context. Integrate this data with your Threat-Intel workf low. Del iver high impact threat intel feeds (targeted and timely) to your subscribers. Manage Adversaries: Integrate with intel l igence and incident response workf lows. Immediately reconf igure other enterprise systems to resist the attack. Interact directly in real-time with the adversary to manage, delay and def lect the attack to extract more intel l igence data from the adversary.

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