10202221 - Master - Cyber Pandemic Training Book.pdf

What is Cybercrime Prevention Technology? CT6.® Cybercrime Prevention software sees beyond network defenses (e.g., cybersecurity measures) to find the risk of digital attacks hiding within the myriad relationships and remote connections that eventually touch a business, organization, or individual. How is Cybercrime Prevention Technology Useful? CT6. ® Cybercrime Prevention uncovers existing and emerging threats to stop ransomware, malware, credential attacks, phishing, theft, f raud, sabotage, and more. CT6.® created Cybercrime Prevention to stop criminals before they attack.

How is Cybercrime Prevention dif˜ferent from Cybersecurity?

As di gital attacks advance, cybersecurity technology often lags - forcing a repeating cycle of damage control. CT6.® Cybercrime Prevention breaks the cycle of damage control to stop criminals before they strike. Cybersecurity monitors your network like a security guard protects a store – trying to identify crime but only after the criminals are at the door or inside the store. Cybercrime Prevention protects your business more like a police detective patrols the neighborhood outside of the store, looking for clues to make it impossible for the criminals to get in. Cybersecurity protects your network. Cybercrime Prevention protects your business. Company History & Executive Team Esta blished in 2019 with offices in Charlotte NC and Washington DC, CT6.® is a company of law enforcement, national security, commercial, and academically credentialed practitioners who have proven expertise in innovating the use of alternative data sources to prevent cybercrime, disrupt criminal marketplaces, and fortify against monetary and information loss. CT6.® principals brought their unique professional skills together to create a new, more effective methodology to fight cybercrime. By combining traditional investigative approaches with innovative cyber-driven solutions, CT6.® broke through cyber industry barriers to proactively pursue the cyber threats that affect billions of people each day at corporate, commercial and government entities .

Patrick Westerhaus , Chief Executive Officer – CPA, CFE, 20+ years in financial services investigations and cybercrime, former FBI Special Agent and Wells Fargo executive in cybercrime loss prevention.

John Lenkart , Chief Strategy Officer – 25+ years as a Special Agent at the FBI as a senior executive creating counterintelligence platforms to secure nation-wide critical infrastructure.

Jason Britt , Chief Technology Officer – CPA, 15+ years developing investigative and anti-cybercrime software; PhD in Computer Science Data Mining, AI, and Machine Learning.

Steve Lenkart , Chief Operating Officer – 25+ years as a COO and policy chief at U.S. federal agencies and private entities; U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Science & Technology (fmr.). Brittany Holder , Chief Communications Officer – 10+ years in media and congressional and regulatory affairs creating dynamic national campaigns in disparate venues.

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