Kid Scoop News—June 2024

JUNE 2024

Make a plan to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day this month. National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

Tick the box on each day when you have completed 20 minutes of reading. Children who develop a love of reading will become better students and build a better future.

One of the beach balls on this page is dierent from all the others. Can you nd it?

This day is the anniversary of the first U.S. spacewalk by Ed White in 1965. Write a paragraph about what it must be like to walk in space. Plan a visit to a zoo or an aquarium today and help make a difference for wildlife. Zoo and Aquarium Month Offer to help cook dinner tonight, set the table or clean up after- wards and include in your meal your favorite vegetable. Eat Your Vegetables Day Take three bean bags or balls and see if you can learn to juggle today.

Make a list of things you would like to do during your summer vacation.

Do you know what it means to “walk the dog” and “shoot the moon”?

The United Nations designated this as World Environment Day. This year’s day is focusing on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. Discuss why Anne Frank was special. How old would she be if she were alive today? Anne Frank’s Birthday Juneteenth is the celebration of the ending of slavery in the United States.

Ask your parents what happened on the day you were born. Then ask them if they know what happened on the day they were born. that described right and wrong behavior. Read one of Aesop’s Fables today. Aesop was a famed storyteller who lived in ancient Greece. He wrote fables— stories and characters Find a local activity that is happening in your neighborhood and volunteer to help.

Design the house you would like. Today is the birthday of the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Take your kites out on a hillside, park or beach. Have a friend run with the kite as you hold the string. Take turns flying your kite. Fly a Kite Day

Tune to music radio and dance along for some fun exercise. Radio was patented on this day in 1896. Find a flock of ducks. Bread is bad for ducks. Feed them grapes cut in half, birdseed, rice, oats, or lettuce. Donald Duck’s Birthday Write a poem on the topic of “Wishes for My Dad.” Make the day special for a man in your life. Father’s Day

National Yo-Yo Day

Make this a Fitness Friday. Do as many jumping jacks, squats, and touch toes as you can.

Make this a day without using the car. Walk to school if you can or ride a bike.

On this day of the year, the sun is farthest north. Have everyone put an idea in a hat of how to celebrate the day. Choose one.

Combine chocolate syrup, milk, carbon- ated water, ice cream, and whipped cream to make an old-fashioned ice

Have a family sleepover, watch movies, eat pizza, and sleep on the floor.

cream soda. Ice Cream Soda Day

First Day of Summer

Time to clean and tune up your bicycle and helmet for the summer months.

Close your eyes and listen carefully and in silence for at least 3 minutes. Then discuss what you could hear. Helen Keller’s Birthday

Write or tell a tall tale today about someone you invented who is “larger than life.” Paul Bunyan Day

LEON Day— that’s NOEL spelled backwards. It’s 6 months from this day until Christmas. Write down 3 goals to achieve before Christmas.

Take a field trip to a museum with a family member today.

Find a way to stay cool without air conditioning. Make a fan or a gentle water spray.

Try something you have never done before or explore somewhere you have never visited.

Bicycle patented in 1819

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