Kid Scoop News—June 2024


Sign Up for Your FREE Library Summer Reading Program

about reading, books, and the library.

Start your summer out with a trip to the library and get signed up for

To see a list of the products that have the Foundation’s Seal of Recommendation, you can visit:

With kids spending more time outdoors this summer, it’s time to make sure they get lathered up with protective sunscreen. Exposure to the sun and sunburns can lead to skin cancer. Protect your kids’ skin every day. The Skin Cancer Foundation grants its Seal of Recommendation only to products that meet the Foundation’s specic criteria for eective UV sun protection.

• Children maintain their reading skills during summer vacation. • Children have access to experiences that further their sense of discovery. And while you are there, pick up some books to read yourself!

the free summer reading program.

Kids who don’t read over the summer fall behind in their reading skills, sometimes by as much as two to three months. And the benets of a summer reading program include: • Children are more motivated to read.

Make putting on sunscreen as routine as brushing teeth each day, especially in the hot summer.

EDITOR’S PICK by Vicki Whiting, Kid Scoop News Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen Diamonds By David A. Adler Illustrated by Susanna Natti

Because watching parents read also increases a child’s reading success.

• Children develop positive attitudes


Can Cam help catch the diamond thief? Cam and her friend Eric are sitting at the

here is nothing like a mystery to get kids started reading chapter books.

mall when the jewelry store is robbed. Cam sees the thief, but the police arrest the wrong person. Now it's up to Cam to catch the real criminal! This book is perfect for young readers who are making the transition to chapter books.

There is a reason the Cam Jansen books have been so popular for over 30 years. With the summer months upon us, look to the library for this book series, which will give your kids loads of reading pleasure. If it is a little dicult at rst, start by reading the book aloud.

© Vicki Whiting June 2024

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