Baton Rouge Parents Magazine—June 2024

dad next door LIVE


Occupation: Chief Administrative Officer of Baton Rouge Wife: Michelle Bidwell Children: Savannah, 5, and Dean, 4 Hobbies: Outdoor activities, spending time with family, seeing live music, festivals, Blues Fest, Jazz Fest, and traveling

Dante Bidwell gracefully stepped into his role as the new Chief Administrative Officer of Baton Rouge at the beginning of this year. As a full-time government professional and father of two, Dante has his hands full most days. With each stride, he has carried not only the weight of his responsibilities but also the warmth of being a devoted husband and father. His commitment to excellence is mirrored in both his professional endeavors and in his role as a loving husband and father. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE RAISING YOUR CHILDREN? DANTE: It’s always changing and it’s never boring. As they get older, questions get more and more interesting. It’s really cool to watch them grow and evolve. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS YOU LIKE TO DO AS A FAMILY? DANTE: We do a lot of live music at outdoor venues like Live After Five. My kids love the art and science museum. Dean just started t-ball up in Zachary, and my daughter does dance. They both do music. WHAT’S THE GREATEST THING ABOUT BEING A DAD? DANTE: My daughter is a typical daddy’s girl. Me and my son

bond on a lot of different things. It’s been so good to see him come out of his shell and interact with other kids. Being a dad is structured, but it’s so fun. I love getting to watch them grow up. I also see myself reflected in them–the good stuff and the stuff that used to get on my mom’s last nerve. HOW HAS PARENTHOOD CHANGED YOU? DANTE: I think I’ve had to become a lot more patient. I’ve become more patient as a dad and I am still not where I think I should be, but I am better. It has helped me to view my parents differently. You get the chance to potentially redo the things your parents did. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN PARENTING? DANTE: My biggest challenge has been really trying to find that work-life balance. It has been something I’ve had to work at a lot considering the work I have to do. When I am not in the building, I am getting calls, texts, questions, and inquiries off the clock. If non-urgent matters arise, I have to make a conscious effort to turn off my phone and unplug with my kids and wife. WHAT DO YOU LOVE MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? DANTE: I truly believe that the things we do in Baton Rouge– in the city and in this parish–make a difference. It’s powerful


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