Baton Rouge Parents Magazine—June 2024

and impactful. This responsibility isn’t something I take lightly. The decisions made in the mayor’s office impact public safety. It’s a great responsibility. WHAT WERE SOME OF THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES IN 2023? DANTE: Selecting a new police chief and running the committee process on her behalf. We ultimately made the right choice. There’s a lot of funding priorities that we had to navigate for the federal rescue funding and how those contracts got executed last year. WHAT HAS YOUR JOB TAUGHT YOU ABOUT PARENTING? DANTE: I think a big thing is, in this kind of role, it’s important to manage expectations but also recognize there’s more than one way to get to the destination. I want my kids to grow up and be successful, and I want to give them what they need to get there. We work together to get to the final outcome. HOW DO YOU MAKE TIME TO RELAX? DANTE: That one’s hard! My wife runs her own business, and I have multiple city leaders I interact with every single day. The calls don’t stop. The 20 minutes I’m in the car, I try to finish out and close out the day so I can be in full dad mode when I get home. Usually, I’m home a little later, so we try to make time for the kids and us as a couple. It’s difficult. It’s one of those things we have to be intentional about. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE DATE NIGHT WITH YOUR WIFE? DANTE: So we’re from New Orleans originally. On the weekends, we can bring our kids by and drop them off with the parents. Then we’ll go listen to live music and have a nice dinner and drinks and just spend time together reconnecting. It’s hard to find those pockets of time where it can be just us. We love any time we have together uninterrupted. WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU HOPE TO INSTILL IN YOUR CHILDREN? DANTE: I want them to be high- character individuals. When you operate from a place where you know your values, other things sort themselves out. They don’t have to be the most athletic, smartest kids, and we don’t want them chasing ideas of success just because they can. I want

them to be good, kind people who don’t let outside forces shape their morals. WHICH FAMILY MEMBER HAS BEEN THE GREATEST ROLE MODEL IN YOUR LIFE? DANTE: My mom. My mom absolutely has been the greatest role model for me. My mom and family in general don’t come from money or high means or any political connections. She left the place where she knew to give herself and her children opportunities. She joined the Army for 10 years and got two degrees all while raising children as a single mom. I get my values DANTE: We only get one chance to get this right. Try to be intentional and as patient as you can about the things you say to your children. My mom always said you can make yourself right and be wrong. The way that you deliver the message is as important as the message. It’s odd the things that stick with you for years. Our comments might resonate with our kids forever. Practice intentionality and patience. Q&A Before I go out, I always check to make sure I have.. I always do a pocket check– phone, keys, wallet, and watch. In my fridge, you will always find… juice. There’s always some kind of juice in our fridge. Favorite cuisine… Korean food. Both of my parents were deployed in Korea in the army. My mom always brought it back after her deployment. Favorite movie growing up… I have two: Gladiator and Goodfellas . My guilty pleasure… Crumbl cookies. Music I’m loving… 2010s rap music and 1970s rock music. I’m always laughing at… my wife. I always tell her she’s not that funny but she kinda is. and work ethic from her. ANY ADVICE FOR OTHER PARENTS?



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