Nola Family June 2024

June 2024

nola family Parent Fearlessly JUNE 2024

Tourism in the Big Easy

Tips for Traveling Teens

Sleep Disorders Unraveled



4 UNFORGETTABLE STAYCATIONS IN LOUISIANA Discover four perfect weekend getaways in Louisiana that offer a mix of relaxation and adventure without the hassle of long- ADVENTURES TO GET THIS SUMMER STARTED Dive into eight exciting outdoor activities around New Orleans to keep your kids active and entertained all summer long! distance travel. 8 OUTDOOR

EDUCATION THROUGH IMAGINATION  Join educators and artists in New Orleans for the inaugural KID smART’s Arts & Education Conference this June, where you’ll explore innovative ways to integrate the arts into your teaching practice. TIKTOK IS KILLING OUR BRAINS Explore how the relentless barrage of social media, especially TikTok, is eroding our ability to focus and remember, leaving us hooked on instant gratification.


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JUNE 2024 • ISSUE 157



nola family CONTENTS JUNE 2024


FEATURES 16 18 20


The Chilling Dreams Keeping Us Awake at Night

Teen Safety While Traveling Alone

Father-Daughter Bonds: How Dads Shape our Lives

NOLA Tourism 101: What Locals Need to Know


Spotlight Snapshots 8 1012 142328 30

From the Publisher

From the Bookshelf

Dad About Town

Out & About

Things We Love

NOLA FAMILY MAGAZINE is published monthly by FAMILY RESOURCE GROUP INC. (FRG) and distributed free of charge. Subscriptions accepted. Only authorized distributors may deliver and pick up the magazine. Paid advertisements appear in FAMILY RESOURCE GROUP INC. (FRG) publications, including print and other digital formats. FRG does not endorse or evaluate the product, service, or company, nor any claims made by the advertisement. We reserve the right to edit, reject, or comment editorially on all materials contributed. We cannot be held responsible for the return of any unsolicited material. NOLA FAMILY MAGAZINE Copyright 2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission prohibited.



from the publisher

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Beginnings, Ends, and a New Season

C losing out a big chapter of life is not always easy. their lives. As we begin June, I have had a few chapters close in my life. My husband drove my daughter to school for the last time, and it was my last time driving through the elementary carpool. Next school year, my daughter will be driving and taking the boys with her. How did this happen? I feel like I just entered another universe. I am that dance mom who is backstage any chance I can get, helping the girls–and I love every minute of it–especially since my daughter requests my presence. Not all girls like their moms helping, so I will gladly continue this role until she graduates. I am also that room mom that is at every function possible and attends weekly chapel with my boys. I’m sad knowing that this will now come to an end. I still joke with the principal that I will Watching your children grow up so fast, you feel like you have missed so much, no matter how present you are in

borrow a child each year just so I can enjoy my Wednesday morning chapel. A lot of chapters have closed, but I will just continue with our family motto and “go with the flow.” While summer begins and we start summer camps or vacations, I have a new driver in my house. What this means, I have no clue. I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I am always the driver on family trips, mainly because my husband works in the passenger seat and I get car sick easily. However, I am going to have to learn to let my daughter take the wheel, take some Dramamine, and enjoy the ride. I hope you all have a fantastic summer, whether you have a staycation, vacation, travel overseas, or send your child to camp and have some quiet time. We all survived another year of school and it’s time to take a break. Happy Summer!


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from the bookshelf

Pete the Cat’s Family Road Trip by Kimberly & James Dean Pete the Cat buckles up for a cross-country family road trip to some of America’s grooviest destinations, from Niagara Falls and Savannah to New Orleans and San Francisco. MIDDLE GRADE National Monuments of the U.S.A. by Cameron Walker & Chris Turnham Travel through America’s incredible history and amazing wild places with maps and fascinating facts about the history, architecture, flora, and fauna in some of the most visited National Monuments in the United States. Mexikid by Pedro Martín Pedro Martin grew up in the U.S. hearing stories about his legendary abuelito, but during a family road trip to Mexico, he connects with

This summer, your family can travel in your own city for free, using the New Orleans Public Library’s Culture Pass program. This service allows Orleans Parish residents and Library cardholders to visit a variety of attractions across the city for free. Culture Pass Partners include The Audubon Nature Institute (the zoo and aquarium!), the Museum of the Southern Jewish Experience, Hermann-Grima + Gallier Historic Houses, National WWII Museum, New Canal Lighthouse Museum, New Orleans Museum of Art, and the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. Passes for all partner organizations admit two adults and up to seven children, depending on the location. All Culture Pass partners require advance reservation for admission. Passes can be reserved online at Staff at all Library locations

can also help you book a ticket. Just call or stop by your local Library for assistance. If you’re craving sights further away from home, check out these books sure to inspire the travel bug in your family: YOUNG READERS The Airport Book by Lisa Brown A family making its way through a modern-day airport checks their bags, goes through security clearance, and waits at the gate before taking off into the air, at the beginning of a journey that is complicated by the fear that a favorite stuffed toy has gone missing. Mommy’s Hometown by Home Lim & Jaime Kim When a young boy and his mother travel to her childhood home in Korea, the town is not as he imagined until he visits the river where she used to play and sees that the spirit and happiness of those days remain.

his grandfather and learns more about his own Mexican identity in this moving and hilarious graphic memoir. TEEN Our Not-so-lonely Planet Travel Guide vol. 1 by Mone Sorai Super serious Asahi Suzumura and laidback, easygoing Mitsuki Sayama might seem like an odd couple, but they made a deal; they’ll vacation around the world and when they get back to Japan, they’ll get married. As they travel from country to country, the different people, cultures, and cuisines they encounter begin to bring them closer together. Rules for Rule Breaking by Talia Tucker When Korean American teens Bobby and Winter reluctantly go on a college visit road trip together, the sworn mortal enemies discover they might actually be a perfect pair.

Kacy Helwick is the youth collection development librarian for the New Orleans Public Library’s collections and acquisitions department. Marie Simoneaux is the media and communications coordinator for the New Orleans Public Library.




Founded in 2001 by Noam Platt, MakeGood Nola is a nonprofit dedicated to collaborative design and fabrication, placing the needs of individuals with disabilities at the forefront of every project. Its innovative approach to accessibility and inclusivity has reshaped the landscape of assistive technology right here in New Orleans. At MakeGood, the ethos is clear: empower “need-knowers” to lead the design process, ensuring their ideas translate seamlessly into reality. Platt emphasizes this collaborative approach, stating, “We work with people directly on their ideas and see the things that they know they already need into reality.” Frustrated by the lack of tailored accommodative solutions, Platt honed his abilities as a healthcare architect and embarked on a journey to bridge the gap between design and disability. “I realized that as an architect, we actually have all of the skills we need to be great assistive and adaptive designers,” he recounts. “We have the project management skills, the design thinking skills, the communication skills, and the interdisciplinary working skills.” Despite its humble beginnings, it’s clear this organization is committed to addressing real-world challenges with tangible solutions. Another pivotal member of the MakeGood team is Philip Dunham, the Head of Fabrication and Design. Despite facing personal challenges as a manual wheelchair user due to a spinal cord injury, Dunham’s passion for assistive technology shines through his inventive designs. Initially a valued client, Dunham has immersed himself in learning various computer software and managing multiple 3D printers over MAKE GOOD NOLA BY MADISON VOORHIES

the past six months. Platt and Dunham work very closely on a daily basis to deliver innovative projects, such as Dunham’s 3D-printed wheelchair ramp and his iPhone holder for quadriplegic individuals. While they may make a small team, MakeGood is eager to bring on more design students and volunteers to help fuel its mission. Through educational initiatives, including design thinking classes and adaptive making workshops, MakeGood empowers individuals and organizations to harness digital design and fabrication tools. By democratizing access to technology and knowledge, MakeGood fosters a sense of agency and curiosity within the Nola community, enabling them to actively shape their environment. The organization’s educational outreach extends to local schools, social action groups, and commercial design entities, fostering a community-driven approach to problem-solving. “Our real mission, and the real mission of our partner organizations, is to not just make stuff for people,” Platt says. “It’s to teach people how to do this work, it’s to teach students that they can make this stuff for their community very simply, and here’s how you do it.” As Platt also highlights, “We’re providing assistive technology for people at 1/7 the price they would pay to go buy it somewhere.” This affordability, coupled with customized solutions, ensures that individuals receive tailored assistance without financial barriers. Donations go a long way, as all funds go toward buying equipment and materials for projects. Platt and his team heavily rely on 3D printers due to their affordability and accessibility, allowing anyone, including clinicians and

therapists, to use them. “Anything they can dream up can be made. We don’t have to rely on the commercial market,” Platt emphasizes. Looking towards the future, Platt envisions expansion and deeper integration within the community. Plans include establishing a dedicated office space to facilitate larger-scale operations and fostering better partnerships with academic institutions, healthcare providers, and local businesses. Moreover, MakeGood aspires to transform societal perceptions of disability, advocating for a more inclusive society, where accessibility is not just a concept but a fundamental aspect of everyday life. “There’s a big desire to do a [Mardi Gras] parade by and for the disabled community,” says Platt. “There’s no reason why the city shouldn’t be embracing this community. We’re all about celebrating each other.” And they don’t want to just stop with Mardi Gras. Platt explains, “We want to see New Orleans grow in not only being a tourist capital but in specifically catering to disabled people. It’s not only the right thing to do, but this has huge economic benefits too.” Through its unwavering dedication to inclusivity and empowerment, MakeGood is paving the way for a more accessible and equitable future, one project at a time. It is constantly reaffirming its commitment to realizing this vision, demonstrating that through collective effort and ingenuity, barriers can be dismantled, and opportunities can flourish for everyone. After all, it’s like Platt says: “All great things start at the kitchen table.”

For more information, visit



dad about town


WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT BEING A DAD? JON: I’m definitely more mature. I’m not as selfish. I would say more understanding of what life throws at you. Not having kids in your 20s and being young compared to being in your 30s and having children is a completely different livelihood. You’re asleep at 9 o’clock most nights due to exhaustion and schedules (when I was trained on NOLA late nights). I haven’t finished a full movie in years. Our television entertainment has completely changed as well to mostly Bluey and Paw Patrol. HOW DO YOU TACKLE CHALLENGES YOU MAY FACE AS A FAMILY? JON: We kind of lean on each other. We both have opposite personalities in a way. We’re able to use that to our advantage. My wife is very ahead of the game, and if we’re going on a trip, she’ll be packed two weeks ahead, and I’m very lax with it. This stresses her out how last minute I can be with preparation, but I also can calm her down with my relaxed attitude over things. When a challenge presents itself, we get it done together. We try to succeed and get the job done together so we can live to fight another day. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO AS A FAMILY? JON: New Orleans events and experiences like that. For example, the girls were sick last week, so I took William to Wife: Camille DeTrinis Children: William and Marie (plus a wiener dog and cat) Occupation: Lawyer; owner of DeT Law Firm, LLC. Hobbies: Golf, live music, Saints and Pelicans games, mentor at Son of a Saint Jon DeTrinis fully embodies what it means to be a “Dad About Town.” When he’s not teeing up for the golf course with Bluey or the Paw Patrol gang, he’s hitting the town with his wife and children, attending any local event (food-based or concerts– they’re not picky!) they can find, or he’s finding a way to help serve and defend the Nola community. As a born-and-raise New Orleanian, it’s no surprise that he cares deeply for those around him as he candidly reminds parents that with kids, you still can have it all.

As a parent, you start to figure out what is important. Is it important for things to be easy in life and avoid tiring situations? Or is it important to create lasting memories and experiences in life with your kids?

JazzFest, coached his first tee-ball game, and then went to Zurich all in one weekend. As a family, if they weren’t sick, they would have been going to JazzFest with us and going to Zurich with us. But we like to do New Orleans events, like go see music or anything to get out of the house and include the children. We were like that before children also. We were always doing stuff, whether it was a concert, festival, trip, whatever! After Jazz Fest, we are already looking towards our weekends of things to do for the summer like beach trips; vacations; or kid-friendly events. We kind of go with the flow and try to figure out what we can do every weekend with them. And with children, you can always figure it out on how to make it work. I mean, obviously its more difficult going out on the town with two kids added to the party, but it’s also worth it and fun in different ways. WHAT PERSONALITY TRAITS OF YOURS DO YOU SEE IN YOUR CHILDREN? JON: They’re persistent and strong-willed. Both of them are different, but they’re very goal-oriented. The youngest is still blossoming, but William’s kind of come into his own, and he’s becoming more sociable with his friends and classmates. Whether it’s going to baseball practice at school, or swimming lessons, or even building a monster truck tower, he is always looking forward to taking on a challenge. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS


YOU HOPE TO TEACH YOUR CHILDREN? JON: To be well-rounded; self- sufficient; to follow through with whatever their passion is; to not accept “no”; and to find their happiness. If they want something, go get it. If they figure out what makes them happy, pursue it. Most importantly, I hope that they have a natural desire to care for others. That is something that was ingrained in me from high school and that I have carried onto my adult life, whether it’s through my work as a mentor at Son of Saint or through raising money with friends at Hogs for the Cause. As long as my children are well-rounded and live a life that makes them happy, then I will be a satisfied and proud father. HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN A WORK/LIFE BALANCE? JON: We hang on my wife a lot, and she leans on me for things. We both work full-time, and she has a tough job as a Nurse Practitioner at Children’s. So there are times when she might need to unload things on me and take breaks and the same thing– I might need to work late, and she carries a lot of the parenting workload when I’m not there.. So, both of us are very understanding that we both have double lives of work/parents. I think we work great as a team and that we have done well figuring out how to make it work for both of us. To maintain the work/life balance, having the right partner is priceless. We are also very lucky to have family that lives close and helps us when we need it. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE DATE NIGHT WITH YOUR WIFE? JON: I like going to see live music, obviously, and going out and doing stuff in New Orleans, such as enjoying some great food and drinks. We lived a much more exciting and crazy lifestyle before kids with no curfew on our date nights. Now that we have kids, our nights are way more tame than they used to be, with us probably home before midnight. There’s always something to do, especially during festival season. So, if we do have the opportunity to get a babysitter or get one of our grandparents to watch the kids, we’ll just jump right into whatever the weekend is offering. DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR OTHER PARENTS? JON: Don’t be afraid to take your kids

out and experience things. You’ll be able to also experience your own life, but work your life around their schedules. For example, our youngest has nap time, so on weekends we know that there has to be a nap at a certain point in the day, and we schedule our life around that so that we can still do the things we want to do. Since we are about to tackle another Jazz Fest weekend, we will probably force her to nap early so that we can spend the day at the Fairgrounds without causing a meltdown that ruins our fun. Before kids, we had the freedom to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Now that we have kids, we can still do whatever we want, we just have to figure out how and when we can do it. Just because we have kids, it does not mean we have to stop living or that they cannot also join in on the fun. We have figured out how to organize our interests and lives around our kids’ schedules. Sometimes, parenting can be hard/tiring and you might pass up on doing something because it might seem too difficult to bring the kids along and enjoy yourselves. Although it might be more tiring or difficult to bring them along with you to an event on the weekend, it might be easier to just get a babysitter or not go at all. We find it is much more rewarding to have the experience with them and create memories as a family. As a parent, you start to figure out what is important. Is it important for things to be easy in life and avoid tiring situations? Or is it important to create lasting memories and experiences in life with your kids? We know what we want as parents. We want to continue to live our lives and experience everything life has to offer to us as parents. We choose to take on adventures and life has become even more exciting and fulfilling as it ever was, just from a different perspective now. QUICK Q’S Before I go out, I always make sure I have……. Phone, wallet, and keys. And if kids are coming– monster truck and baby doll. My guilty pleasure is….............. UberEats I’m always laughing at................ The kids My favorite snack is…............ Chick-Fil-A The first thing I do when I wake up is....……. Watch Bluey with my daughter


NOLA Tourism 101: What Locals Need


N ew Orleans possesses a unique charm as one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. But what does this really mean for the locals? Every year, Nola draws in millions of visitors to experience its unique, multicultural blend of art, music, cuisine, and history. While every day here is a celebration of life and all these things that make our city so wonderful, the influx of tourists creates a complex web of effects on the city’s financial landscape, infrastructures, and the lives of its residents. Of course we want to

see our vibrant city grow and succeed, and since so many people have mixed feelings about our happy-go-lucky out- of-towners, let’s take a closer look at the impact they’re really leaving. Short-Term Rentals vs. All Y’all New Orleans’ tourism industry is undeniably a powerhouse, injecting billions of dollars into the city’s economy each year. It spreads far beyond the iconic French Quarter and Bourbon Street, like from Gentilly to Marigny, from

Uptown to Downtown, from Lakeview to Mid-City, among many more vibrant neighborhoods. These blocks not only support a plethora of businesses, including restaurants, shops, and hotels, but also create job opportunities for thousands of people. However, the impact of tourism is a nuanced balancing act between opportunities and challenges. On one hand, employment in the hospitality sector provides a vital source of income for many locals. Not to mention tourism


here also helps enrich the city’s diversity and foster a sense of belonging among residents. On the other hand, the rapid growth of short-term rentals (Airbnb, Vrbo, Vacasa, etc.) impacts property prices, which in turn will often displace many long-term residents, contributing to gentrification and altering the social fabric of our neighborhoods. Not only do these short-term rentals take away from local businesses, but many are operated by people who either never lived on the property to begin with or only spend a small percentage of their time there. Discussions on residential regulations have become deeply personal, pitting homeowners against renters and individuals of various income levels, all worried about the impact of unregulated tourist accommodations on New Orleans neighborhoods. As residents navigate these complexities, there is a growing call for policies that prioritize the needs and well-being of those locals in order to foster inclusive growth and equitable development across all communities. The current word on the street is that city officials have finally begun cracking down on these short-term rental properties. A law

passed in March 2023 restricted these rental properties to one per square block and blocked corporations from owning and operating them. Moreover, it’s also required that rental operators have a city-issued permit– something that five in six rental owners lack. As city officials continue their inspections, only time will tell if this has truly been a step in the right direction. Maintaining Our “Charm” Now, let’s dive into infrastructure. Another one of the many beautiful things Nola is known for is its mesmerizing architecture, historic landmarks, and oh yeah– crater-sized potholes you can find on pretty much every other block. The constant flow of visitors leads to wear and tear on the roads, sidewalks, and public spaces, necessitating regular maintenance and upgrades. In 2022, the city welcomed 17.53 million visitors who spent around $9.1 billion. This is ultimately how our city receives funding for infrastructure improvements. Although these stats aren’t quite up-to- par with the pre-pandemic numbers, one thing is for sure: we are definitely headed in the right direction.

Balancing the need for preservation with the demands of modernization is an ongoing challenge, one that requires thoughtful urban planning and community engagement. As the city continues to evolve, strategic investments in infrastructure are essential to ensuring the longevity of its appeals to tourists and residents alike. This may be the only way to continue fostering a sense of pride and ownership among those who call New Orleans home. Investing in Our Future By embracing a holistic approach to tourism management, New Orleans can and will continue to thrive as a cultural hub while safeguarding the interests of its residents and generations to come. While this town reaps undeniable benefits, it is our duty as residents to not shy away from the challenges that require thoughtful planning and solutions, especially when it comes to pushing local policymakers to prioritize sustainable tourism practices, like investing in infrastructure upgrades, supporting local businesses, and implementing equitable housing policies.


Father-Daughter Bonds: How Our Dads Shape Our Lives BY VICTORIA MIKOTA

18 JUNE 2024 | NOLAFAMILY.COM health problems. A lot of emphasis is placed on father-son relationships, but A s Father’s Day approaches, sons and daughters recognize and honor the contributions of the wonderful fathers and father figures who have had a hand in raising them in a loving, nurturing, and inviting home. Similar to a mother’s role, fathers have an important and irreplaceable role in their children’s lives. A strong father-child relationship has a long-lasting effect on how children grow up and perceive the world around them, while a weak father- child relationship can lead to insecurity, abandonment issues, and other mental

strong father-daughter relationships are crucial for the healthy development of young girls into adulthood. When Dad Is His Daughter’s First Love As a father, you probably have a vivid memory of the first time the nurse handed you a swaddled baby in a pink blanket. You probably vividly remember counting her toes, each one soft and new to the world. At that moment, you probably also swore that you would never let anything bad ever happen to that sweet, innocent baby in your arms. As she began to grow and hobble

around, you remember being there to catch her almost falling while learning her first steps. You remember the first time she hopped on a bicycle and you finally let go. And more than likely, her sweet face looked up at you and she said, “Daddy, you’re the best.” And that was that–she was forever wrapped around your finger. You are her first love. The Mental Health Benefits of A Healthy Father-Daughter Bond When it comes to a healthy father- daughter bond, research has shown countless times that the positive effects of a strong father-daughter bond are

undeniable. A positive father-daughter relationship can foster a sense of security and self-worth in the daughter, leading to better mental health outcomes. It can also contribute to communication skills, emotional regulation, and resilience. In addition, a secure father-daughter relationship can help the daughter explore her identity and create healthy boundaries. Most children will have similar outcomes––whether male or female––with father involvement. However, the effects of an active father-daughter relationship will begin to show when the daughter begins puberty. A warm, inviting father- daughter relationship will lead to feelings of acceptance, improved self-esteem, and lower rates of depression and behavioral problems. “Children with involved fathers are less likely to act out in school, fail classes, and engage in risky delinquent behavior,” says Dr. Amy Mikolajewski, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Louisiana State University. “A father’s biggest impact is indirect,” says Dr. Mikolajewski. “Having a father in a home means there is likely more financial stability, social support for mom,

and indirect impacts that influence the children.” Fathers and mothers influence kiddos in similar ways. It’s more about that warmth and nurturing and closeness. It doesn’t matter the parent’s gender, as far as research goes. However, it can be apparent when a home lacks the protection and security of a father. When Dad is Absent The father wound is an ever-present feeling in the pit of your chest. What starts as just an absent father, begins to mold and shape into seemingly every male relationship a young woman might encounter. The desire to be loved as you are, the yearning for acceptance and security, and the anger and resentment of abandonment all mark the scars that a father wound leaves behind. What’s more, the father wound can affect every aspect of our lives––relationships, jobs, financial stability, self-esteem, and so much more. According to Dr. Mikolajewski, “Women with absent fathers tend to put less value on what a man can bring to relationships.” This leads to lower expectations for what a man in their life would fulfill. “If you think about secure attachment in general, if they have a secure attachment, that tends

to set the stage for future relationships.” Healthier relationships set the stage for secure attachment in relationships. A negative father-daughter relationship can cause avoidant and anxious attachment or a disorganized mixture of the two. Your Presence is a Present Fathers need to be involved in the beginning of their children’s lives. It starts at prenatal classes and follows through each developmental milestone their children face. At the Psychological Services Center of LSU, parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) is designed to help address behavioral issues that children might have due to that lack of parent-child connection. Since children form attachments early, it’s imperative that fathers are there each step of the way to nourish and protect their kiddos. This will set the stage for the relationship they have with their children moving forward. As time goes on, your child will see you as a reliable, safe, and secure attachment. For more information about PCIT, visit


The Scary Dreams Keeping Kids Awake at Night BY AUSTRIA COHN

H ave you ever found yourself trapped in a twilight zone between wakefulness and sleep, unable to move or speak while eerie shadows surround you? Or perhaps you’ve been jolted awake by blood-curdling screams echoing in the dead of night, only to realize it’s all in your head? Whether you, your child, a family member, or a friend has ever experienced something like this, you have stepped into the realm of night terrors and sleep paralysis. While it’s common for children to have irrational fears, like monsters under the bed or ghosts lurking in the closet, fear of sleep itself due to night terrors and sleep paralysis is a genuine concern. These sleep disorders can significantly impact daily life, leaving individuals sleep-deprived and fearful of closing their eyes because they might end up in a haunting dream. Navigating the Realm of Sleep Disorders Parasomnias are a group of sleep disorders characterized by unusual behaviors, movements, or experiences that occur during sleep or its transition stages. According to the National Library of Medicine (NIH), parasomnias include sleepwalking, sleep terrors, sleep talking, and sleep paralysis and are behaviors linked to partial awakening. Most of the time, parasomnias are more often seen in children and will improve as a child gets older, yet some people struggle with these sleep disorders for their entire life. Nightmares vs. Night Terrors & Sleep Paralysis To fully understand night terrors and sleep paralysis, we need to

understand what a nightmare is and how to tell the difference. Keep in mind that there is data on rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, but many answers have yet to be found on why many of these sleeping disorders occur. Nightmares Nightmares are intense and unsettling dreams that stir up feelings of anxiety and fear while asleep, often causing someone to awaken abruptly in the middle of the night. Even though nightmares are common, they can be terrifying and can affect a person’s day and sleeping habits. According to the Sleep Foundation, nightmares are more commonly experienced during the second half of the night because that is when the most time is spent in REM sleep. “Nightmares may begin in children between 3 and 6 years old and tend to decrease after the age of 10. During the teen and young adult years, girls appear to have nightmares more often than boys do. Some have them as adults or throughout their lives,” explains the Mayo Clinic. Nightmares can happen due to stress or anxiety, trauma or PTSD, sleep deprivation, medications, and substance misuse. Night Terrors Night terrors, or sleep terrors, stand apart from nightmares because of the physical movement an individual will exhibit during their dream and the REM sleep stage the person is in when the episode occurs. Parasomnias can occur during any stage of sleep, but according to the NIH, night terrors occur when the person or child is in a


transitional state between sleep and wakefulness. “The person who has a nightmare wakes up from the dream and may remember details. A person who has a sleep terror remains asleep,” the Mayo Clinic explains. “Children usually don’t remember anything about their sleep terrors in the morning. Adults may recall part of a dream they had during the sleep terrors.” A person experiencing a sleep terror might: • Begin screaming, shouting, or crying • Sit up in bed and look scared • Stare intensely with widened eyes • Experience sweating, heavy breathing, rapid pulse, flushed complexion, and dilated pupils • Be hard to wake up and may display confusion upon awakening Nightmares are more common than night terrors. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, two percent of adults have night terrors, and six percent of children experience night terrors on a regular basis. Children may have night terrors in their youth, but most of them grow out of it with time. If your child is experiencing a night terror, Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests doing the following: 1. Comfort your child back to sleep without attempting to wake them. Shaking or shouting may cause the child to become more upset. 2. Ensure your child’s safety during night terrors to prevent accidents like falling, running into a wall, or breaking a

window. Gently guide them back to bed if they’re wandering. 3. Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, ensuring your child gets enough sleep, and possibly reintroducing regular naps for younger children can minimize the risk of night terrors. Sleep Paralysis During a sleep paralysis episode, the individual is unable to move or speak, and the dream is typically accompanied by a haunting hallucination. Similarly to night terrors, a sleep paralysis episode occurs at a different stage of sleep than a nightmare. “While the states of sleep and wakefulness are usually clearly defined and distinct, conditions like sleep paralysis can blur these boundaries. Individuals maintain consciousness during episodes, which frequently involve troubling hallucinations and a sensation of suffocation,” explains the Sleep Foundation. An effective strategy for coping with sleep paralysis is acknowledging the episode as it occurs. If you become aware of the situation during the episode, attempt to regain control by gently moving your fingers and toes. For people who frequently have episodes of night terrors or sleep paralysis, if you believe or fear that you’ll have an episode when going to bed, chances are it will happen. Try diverting your thoughts from the sleep disorder when getting ready for bed. If you or your child are consistently having nightmares, episodes of night terrors, or sleep paralysis, and it’s impacting your well-being, schedule an appointment to speak with your doctor.


Teen Safety While Traveling Alone BY VICTORIA MIKOTA

A fter graduation is over, your is enough to make some parents queasy. However, it doesn’t have to be a nerve- wracking experience. With the right tools and information, you can trust your teen to travel solo and stay safe. Safety in Numbers If your teen is thinking about taking on their first solo trip, suggest they go with at least one other friend, but ideally a small group. Young people are most likely to stay safe and enjoy their travels if they travel with others. Remember, there is safety in numbers. teenager may be heading off on their first solo vacation. This idea Get a Preloaded Credit Card For teens traveling alone, you want to make sure they’re financially secure while they’re away from home. Carrying around too much cash can put your teen at risk. Instead, consider arranging a preloaded credit card for your teen. You can add a set amount of money to the card and should be able to add more in an emergency. Many of these types of cards have no foreign transaction fees or only minimal fees. Talk to Your Teen About Alcohol In a perfect world, your teenager would not touch alcohol when they’re away on a trip. However, it’s important to be realistic about your teenager drinking alcohol while on a solo trip–where parental guidance is not around to be the voice of reason. It’s a good idea to talk about staying safe under the influence. Make sure they know not to get into a vehicle if the driver is impaired, swim in a pool

if they’re impaired, or walk around a city alone at night. Give the Sex Talk…Again While it’s an uncomfortable conversation to have, it’s important to talk about sexual health with your teens who are going on vacation. This conversation is especially important to have with older teens who just graduated from high school or are in college. You can advise them to keep things platonic, but this isn’t something you can enforce. Talk to your teenager about the importance of situational awareness, not leaving drinks unattended, and enthusiastic consent. Keep Tabs On Your Teen Most teens would probably groan at this suggestion, but parents should keep tabs on their whereabouts–at least for now. Apps like Life360 offer GPS location- sharing features that make it easy for your entire family to stay connected. Along with valuable elements such as location history and smart notifications, the Life360 app allows you to monitor key locations with place alerts. In addition, Apple gives users the ability to see their contacts’ locations at the click of a button through the Find My Friends feature. While this may feel like an invasion of privacy, tracking your teen’s location is an important way for you to make sure they’re safe while traveling alone. Establish an Itinerary While you don’t have to know every single stop your teen makes during their solo travels, try to at least be in the know of what addresses your teen will frequent, and the dates they’ll be there. This is especially important if they’re

heading to multiple locations during their trip. If you want, you can check in at certain times of the day as planned to ensure your teen is being safe while traveling. Teach Your Teen Situational Awareness As a teenager likely obsessed with texting, TikTok, and other social media apps, your teen sometimes might have their head in the clouds (or glued to their phone). You must remind your teenager about the importance of being alert in public, especially in places they’ve never visited before. Remind them to keep their head on a swivel when walking in tight crowds, and to keep screen time down to a minimum when navigating busy streets or intersections–especially in a bigger city. Keep Their Social Status Lowkey Besides close family members, it’s important not to tell people about your teen’s whereabouts, especially if they’re traveling alone. Likewise, make sure your teen knows not to tell their social media following about how they’re “enjoying time alone abroad” or “parent-free for the weekend!” Personal information like this needs to be only shared with a select few people to ensure your teen’s utmost safety while traveling solo. Solo travel for your teenager doesn’t have to be scary. With these tools and tips, you’ll be saving “Bon voyage” faster than they can get out the door. Relax, and enjoy the crazy ride of being the parent of a teen.


June 2024

out & about


Creole Tomato Festival Celebrate the bounty of Southeast Louisiana in the French Market District. Indulge in food booths, live music and activities, merchandise, and of course, fresh, locally-grown Creole tomatoes. June 8-9.


INFINIcon 2024 Visit for an unforgettable experience celebrating the realms of science, sci-fi, and fantasy at the INFINITY Science Center! Meet renowned rocket scientists, encounter robots, mingle with costumed characters, and more. June 1.

Family Equality Day 3

Visit Longue Vue House and Gardens for a free, family-friendly pride event that honors and recognizes families of all shapes, sizes, and identities. June 9.

5 “Let It Go” and visit A Court of Two Sisters for an extra royal brunch. Tickets include Ice Princess Brunch


Murder and blackmail are on the menu when six mysterious guests assemble at Boddy Manor for a night they’ll never forget! Visit the Saenger Theatre to solve the mystery. June 18-22.

a meet and greet with the Snow Queen Sisters, sing- alongs, interactive games, and more! June 22.

Events may change after publication deadline. Please phone ahead to confirm important information and check with locations about individual COVID rules. HEADS UP!


JUNE 2024

01 SAT.

Free. Louisiana Peach Festival Downtown Ruston, LA. 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. New Orleans Heart Ball InterContinental New Orleans. 6-10 p.m. $250+. NOLA Gold Rugby vs. Houston SaberCats The Gold Mine, New Orleans. 7 p.m. Sno-ball In a Bag Main Library. 2-3 p.m. Free. Sprouts Longue Vue House and Gardens. 9:30-11 a.m. $10.

Barnes & Noble Metairie. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. stores. UniverSoul Circus Through June 2 at I-10 & Read Boulevard. Showtimes vary. $27.50-$53. Vue Crew Longue Vue House and Gardens. 2-4 p.m. $20. Washington Parish Fairgrounds Midway. Noon to 10 p.m. 02 SUN. Crescent City Farmers Market Weekly at Tad Gormley Stadium, City Park. 8 a.m. to Balloon Festival Washington Parish Noon. crescentcity Free Family Sunday Longue Vue House and Gardens. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free for LA residents. Washington Parish

Library. 2-3 p.m. Free. 04 TUES. Best Buy Teen Tech Center Open House Main Library. 1-5:30 p.m. Free. Crescent City Farmers Market Weekly at Uptown Square. 8 a.m. to Noon. crescentcity to 1 p.m. theparentingcenter Intro to Yoga and Mindfulness Series for Teens Main Library. 2-3 p.m. Free. The Magical Poodles Show Cita Dennis Hubbell Library Importance of Play Virtual through The Parenting Center. Noon and Children’s Resource Center Library. 11 a.m. to Noon. Free. Snuggles & Struggles New Parent Support Group Weekly at The Parenting Center. Hybrid. 10:30- 11:30 a.m. theparentingcenter Storytime Weekly at Algiers Regional Library, Main Library, Milton H. Latter Memorial Library, Norman Mayer Library, and Robert E. Smith Library. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. 05 WEDS. New Orleans Food & Wine Experience Through June 9. Various

4th Annual Harahan Music Festival and Food Drive Harahan Playground. Noon to 5 p.m. Free with five to 10 nonperishable food donations. Annual Sportsmen’s Heritage Festival Krotz Springs, LA. 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Free. kssportsmens Central City Library Grand Re-Opening Central City Library. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free. Fun in the Sun Alvar Library. 2-3 p.m. Free. INFINIcon 2024 INFINITY Science Center, Pearlington, MS. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. $9-$15. Kids 3 and under

Storm Aware and Prepare

New Canal Lifehouse. 8 a.m. to Noon. Free. Summer Reading Kick Off Party!

Louisiana Peach Festival. June 1.

Balloon Festival Washington Parish Fairgrounds Midway. 12:30 -9 p.m. 03

MON. Kitten Yoga

Weekly at East Bank Regional Library. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. Crafting with Literature for Kids Children’s Resource Center Library. 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Music and Movement East New Orleans Regional


Cajun Heritage Festival Through June 9 at Larose Civic Center. Buffalo Solider: Horses & History for Kids East New Orleans Regional Library. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Mediation and Movement for Families Algiers Regional Library. 10:30-11 a.m. Free. O First Friday Ogden Museum of Southern Art. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free to college students. Shadow Puppet Theater Main Library. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. St. Landry BBQ Festival Yambilee Grounds, Opelousas, LA. 6-10 p.m. Stuffed Animal Sleepover Cita Dennis Hubbell Library. 4-5 p.m. Free. 08 SAT. Art of Henna/Mehndi Workshop for Teens Algiers Regional Library. 3-4 p.m. Free. Arts Market New Orleans City Park Goldring/ Woldenburg Great Lawn. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Creole Tomato Festival French Market & Dutch Alley. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. New Orleans Jazz Museum. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. $35 Drop- in rate. $180 for six classes. Party for the Planet: World Oceans Day Audubon Aquarium. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Included Little Stompers Family Class

NOLAFAMILY.COM | JUNE 2024 25 Children’s Resource Center Library. 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Creole Tomato Festival French Market & Dutch Alley. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Family Equality Day Longue Vue House and Gardens. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. St. Landry BBQ Festival Yambilee Grounds, Opelousas, LA. 2-6 p.m. 10 MON. Megan Thee Stallion - Hot Girl Summer Tour Smoothie King Center. 7 p.m. $35-$245. Story Hour Rosa F. Keller Library. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. 11 TUES. Intro to Yoga and Mindfulness for Teens Main Library. 2-3 p.m. Free. Sno-ball In a Bag with Aquarium Admission or Audubon Membership. NOLA Pride Parade 2024 Marigny & French Quarter. 7-10 p.m. St. Landry BBQ Festival Yambilee Grounds, Opelousas, LA. 2-10 p.m. 09 SUN. Art in the Marsh Docville Farm to CRCL Restoration Headquarters, Violet, LA. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free.

The Magical Poodles Show. June 4 & 5.

locations. Storytime Weekly at Children’s Resource Center Library, Central City Library, and Nix Library. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. The Magical Poodles Show Cita Dennis Hubbell Library and Children’s Resource Center Library at 11 a.m. to Noon. Rosa F. Keller Library at 2 p.m. Free. Tunes on the Turf Weekly at Picnic Provisions and Whiskey. 5-7 p.m. UniverSoul Circus Through June 9 at I-10 & Read Boulevard. Showtimes vary. $27.50-$53. 06 THURS. D-DAY Crescent City Farmers Market Weekly at Lafitte Greenway. 3-7 p.m. crescentcity Pizza Man’s Fam Jam Weekly at DMACS Bar & Grill. 10 p.m. Sensory Friendly Storytime Louisiana Children’s Museum. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free with museum admission. Storytime Weekly at Cita Dennis Hubbell Library, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, and Rosa F. Keller Library. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Thursdays at Twilight Weekly at Pavilion of the Two Sisters, City Park. 6-8 p.m. $15. Wizard of Oz Performance for Kids Norman Mayer Library. 5-6 p.m. Free. YALA Baby Artsplay Ogden Museum of Southern Art. 9:30-10 a.m. Free. 07 FRI.

Growing Up Part 2: The Talk The Parenting Center. For those who have taken Growing Up for Girls or Growing Up for Boys. 6:30-8:30 p.m. theparentingcenter Video Editing for Social Media Milton H. Latter Memorial

Day Brunch The New Orleans Jazz Market. 1:30-6:30 p.m. $65-$400. Father’s Day Champagne Brunch Valencia, Covington, LA. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. $45. Father’s Day Sip & Paint Party Power Poe Studios. 5-7 p.m. $40. Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day Race Audubon Park. 7-10 a.m. $20-$55. 17 MON. Parade Culture Art Workshop for Kids Nora Navra Library. 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Restaurant Week Through June 21 across New Orleans. restaurantweek Super Cool Snake Encounter for Kids East New Orleans Regional Library. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. 18 TUES. CLUE Through June 23 at Saenger Theatre. Showtimes vary. $33+. Glass Recycling Drop-Off Alvar Library. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Intro to Yoga and Mindfulness Series for Teens Main Library. 2-3 p.m. Free. La Programme S.T.E.M de la Louisianne Mahalia Jackson Theater. 7:30 p.m. $55+. 12 WEDS. Focus on Children Co-Parenting Class The Parenting Center. 6-8 p.m. theparentingcenter Handmade Pasta From Scratch with Chef Maya Rosa F. Keller Library. 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Kolaj Fest Through June 16. $125+. Luis Miguel World Tour Smoothie King Center. 8 p.m. $61+. Sno-ball In a Bag Main Library from 2-3 p.m. Central City Library from 4:30-5:40 p.m. Free. 13 THURS.

2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. 15 SAT. 8th Annual Swim for Brooke Brooke E. Posey Swim-a- Thon & Family FUNraiser Southern Yacht Club. Costs vary. Caturday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library. 2-3:30 p.m. Free. CoffeeFest Ernest M. Morial Convention Center. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $50+. Get Moving with NOLA Capoeira for Kids & Families Robert E. Smith Library. 11 a.m. to Noon. Free. Juneteenth Celebration On The Creole Queen Paddlewheeler Creole Queen. 6:15-9 p.m. $50-$450. New Orleans Jazz Museum. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. $35 Drop- in rate. $180 for six classes. Sprouts Longue Vue House and Gardens. 9:30-11 a.m. $10. Super Summer Broadmoor with Young Audiences Rosa F. Keller Library. 10 a.m. to Noon. Free. Vue Crew Longue Vue House and Gardens. 2-4 p.m. $20. 16 SUN. FATHER’S DAY 2nd Annual Father’s Little Stompers Family Class

Library. 2-4 p.m. Free. Vietnamese Spring Rolls Workshop for Teens Norman Mayer Library. 4-5:30 p.m. Free. YALA Baby Artsplay Ogden Museum of Southern Art. 9:30-10 a.m. Free. 14 FRI. CoffeeFest Ernest M. Morial Convention Center. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. $50+. Think It! Create It! Build It! Robert E. Smith Library.

Richard Newcomb Memorial Father’s Day Race. June 16.


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