Nola Family June 2024

dad about town


WHAT’S THE BEST THING ABOUT BEING A DAD? JON: I’m definitely more mature. I’m not as selfish. I would say more understanding of what life throws at you. Not having kids in your 20s and being young compared to being in your 30s and having children is a completely different livelihood. You’re asleep at 9 o’clock most nights due to exhaustion and schedules (when I was trained on NOLA late nights). I haven’t finished a full movie in years. Our television entertainment has completely changed as well to mostly Bluey and Paw Patrol. HOW DO YOU TACKLE CHALLENGES YOU MAY FACE AS A FAMILY? JON: We kind of lean on each other. We both have opposite personalities in a way. We’re able to use that to our advantage. My wife is very ahead of the game, and if we’re going on a trip, she’ll be packed two weeks ahead, and I’m very lax with it. This stresses her out how last minute I can be with preparation, but I also can calm her down with my relaxed attitude over things. When a challenge presents itself, we get it done together. We try to succeed and get the job done together so we can live to fight another day. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO AS A FAMILY? JON: New Orleans events and experiences like that. For example, the girls were sick last week, so I took William to Wife: Camille DeTrinis Children: William and Marie (plus a wiener dog and cat) Occupation: Lawyer; owner of DeT Law Firm, LLC. Hobbies: Golf, live music, Saints and Pelicans games, mentor at Son of a Saint Jon DeTrinis fully embodies what it means to be a “Dad About Town.” When he’s not teeing up for the golf course with Bluey or the Paw Patrol gang, he’s hitting the town with his wife and children, attending any local event (food-based or concerts– they’re not picky!) they can find, or he’s finding a way to help serve and defend the Nola community. As a born-and-raise New Orleanian, it’s no surprise that he cares deeply for those around him as he candidly reminds parents that with kids, you still can have it all.

As a parent, you start to figure out what is important. Is it important for things to be easy in life and avoid tiring situations? Or is it important to create lasting memories and experiences in life with your kids?

JazzFest, coached his first tee-ball game, and then went to Zurich all in one weekend. As a family, if they weren’t sick, they would have been going to JazzFest with us and going to Zurich with us. But we like to do New Orleans events, like go see music or anything to get out of the house and include the children. We were like that before children also. We were always doing stuff, whether it was a concert, festival, trip, whatever! After Jazz Fest, we are already looking towards our weekends of things to do for the summer like beach trips; vacations; or kid-friendly events. We kind of go with the flow and try to figure out what we can do every weekend with them. And with children, you can always figure it out on how to make it work. I mean, obviously its more difficult going out on the town with two kids added to the party, but it’s also worth it and fun in different ways. WHAT PERSONALITY TRAITS OF YOURS DO YOU SEE IN YOUR CHILDREN? JON: They’re persistent and strong-willed. Both of them are different, but they’re very goal-oriented. The youngest is still blossoming, but William’s kind of come into his own, and he’s becoming more sociable with his friends and classmates. Whether it’s going to baseball practice at school, or swimming lessons, or even building a monster truck tower, he is always looking forward to taking on a challenge. WHAT ARE SOME THINGS


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