2022 | Annual Learning Plan Guide | MEIA

Learning Needs Analysis Methods


Interviewing GMs and RMs (Face to Face)

Step 1: REVIEWING Summarize the Learning effectiveness of Essential, Functional, Leadership programs facilitated in the past year - Business Goals vs Actual Achievement - Learning Budget vs Actual Utilization - Learnings & Results - Key insights from learning implementation

Step 2: INTERVIEWING Interview GM & RM to get: -

Directions of the following year



Step 3: SUMMARISING Summarize the interview results from GM and RM

Interviewing L1 & L2 Key Stakeholders (Either online or face to face)

Step 1: REVIEWING Summarize the Learning effectiveness related to the function for the past year

Step 2: INTERVIEWING (Questions) 1. What are your overall objectives and priorities for your department/division over the coming 6-12 months? 2. How would you describe the strengths and weaknesses of your Level 3, 4 and 5 colleagues? 3. What learning interventions do you need to hone the current knowledge and skills of your colleagues? (From Essential, Functional, Leadership perspective) 4. What could L&D do for your department/ division to inspire more people who want to develop their careers further?

Step 3: SUMMARISING Summarize the interview results


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