2022 | Annual Learning Plan Guide | MEIA

Shangri-La Academy 2022 – Syllabus


Business Leaders Program

Program Info: A brand new programme for RMs with the potential to become GMs in the future and for new GMs.

The BLP programme offers a holistic assessment to leadership and personalised learning pathways to develop operational, commercial and customer capability at a strategic level.

Leadership Level: Leading Leaders Leaders

Learning Format: Blended (Average 4 hours of learning per week) • 6 online modules, • Experiential activities including projects, shadowing GMs, cross exposure and business analysis & • Development Centre + Mentoring (3 to 4 days) for interaction with other participants. Duration: Self -paced: 8 weeks for each pathway The number of pathways for each participant will be communicated based on current capabilities (personalized for each participant). Formal assessment tools will indicate the learning required. Target for 2022: First time GMs and Selected RMs with the potential to develop into a GM position (based on a defined criteria) – Nomination to be done by the hotels.

Facilitation: The BLP Programme will be facilitated by the Academy HQ team for the nominated participants.

Launch date: Next batch intake February 2022


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