PCOA Annual Report 2022-2023



Through 6,529 contacts, the Rights and Benefits team assisted 1,768 clients during the last fiscal year. During the 2023 tax season six PCOA volunteers helped 19 eligible older adults claim $62,242.00 in property tax credit refunds.

27 volunteers provided 10,293 hours and received 2,853 training hours. 71 clients received support services from the Senior Companion Program.

The Senior Companion Program (SCP) is a national service program under AmeriCorps Seniors, engaging low-income volunteers 55+ to support isolated and homebound older adults providing transportation, respite to family caregivers, and companionship. Volunteers

PCOA’s highly skilled and trained Rights and Benefits staff and volunteers help and advocate for older adults with a wide range of issues, such as landlord/ tenant disputes, accessing financial assistance resources, and consumer issues such as unfair sales practices and unsatisfactory service. Services offered include one-on-one counseling or advice, contacting creditors or other entities, assisting in filling out forms, helping to file for property tax refunds, benefits enrollment, and much more. A personal budgeting program is also offered to help older adults who may struggle with creating a household budget or maintain timely bill payment. During the past year, Rights and Benefits has continued to see a significant increase in housing-related concerns. Nearly two-thirds of calls to PCOA’s Helpline cite housing as a major concern, which is echoed by partner agencies who report an alarming rise in homelessness amongst older adults in Pima County. The lack of affordable housing options is a critical issue for older adults who may only receive Social Security and are being priced out of the rental market. PCOA has secured some one-time funding to alleviate emergency needs and we continue to advocate for policies and public funding allocations that confront this housing crisis.

receive tax-exempt financial incentives while helping to reduce loneliness and isolation in our community. SCP partners with seven non-profit organizations also serving older adults, including two tribal nations, to better identify high risk individuals needing these services. In

addition to providing much needed transportation and moral support, Senior

Companions serve as an extra set of eyes and ears in the home and have helped clients to avoid scams, and utility overpayments due to a water leak, and to seek urgent medical attention when medical providers did not follow up on irregular lab results. Giving their time and friendship, Senior Companions work as part of a team of professionals to help older adults age in place longer.

“Thank you for the valuable legal consultations that you arrange.” –Rights & Benefits Client



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