This credit must be used toward a different specialty. For example, if you purchase a PT package, your $500 credit can be used toward Golf or Health and Wellness. In this example, your credit cannot be used toward PT services. For another example, purchase a Wellness Package and you’ll get $500 in credit to use toward PT or Golf. You MUST mention this special as I am NOT offering this to our non-VIP listers … You can also gift this $500 credit to someone else. Again, you just gotta explicitly tell me — and we’ve gotta use this credit in a short time frame. I can’t have a bunch of outstanding credit lying around … Remember — if you’re not PROGRESSING, then you are most definitely REGRESSING! Nothing alive on this planet simply “maintains.” So, you’d better take advantage of this special offer before I change my mind! GET $500 IN CREDIT TO BE USED TOWARD BERMAN INC. SERVICES WHEN YOU PURCHASE ANY PACKAGE INCLUDING PT, GOLF, OR HEALTH AND WELLNESS!
WWW.BERMANPT.COM 239-431-0232
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