AUGUST 2020 F11
to wear a face cov- ering during their More commodities eligible for CFAP Onions among crops now covered in CARES act funding
» Download the AD-3114 application form and manually complete the form to submit to their local USDA Service Center by mail, electronically or by hand delivery to their local office or of- fice drop box. » Complete the ap- plication form using the CFAP Application Generator and Payment Calculator. This Excel workbook allows customers to input information spe- cific to their operation to determine estimated payments and populate the application form, which can be printed, then signed and sub- mitted to their local USDA Service Center. » If producers have login credentials known as eAuthen- tication, they can use the online CFAP Application Portal to certify eligible com- modities online, digitally sign appli- cations and submit directly to the local USDA Service Center. All other eligibili- ty forms, such as those related to adjusted gross income and pay- ment information, can be downloaded from For existing FSA custom- ers, these documents are likely already on file. All USDA Service Centers are open, in- cluding some that are open to visitors to conduct business in person by appoint- ment only. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service or any other Service Center agency should
call ahead and sched- ule an appointment. Service Centers that are open for appoint- ments will pre-screen visitors based on health concerns or recent travel, and vis- itors must adhere to social distancing guidelines. Visitors may also be required
flowers — nursery crops and cut flowers. Other changes to CFAP include: » Seven commodi- ties — onions (green), pistachios, pepper- mint, spearmint, walnuts and watermel- ons are now eligible for CARES Act fund- ing for sales losses. Originally, these com- modities were only eligible for payments on marketing adjust- ments. » Correcting pay- ment rates for onions (green), pistachios, peppermint, spear- mint, walnuts, and watermelons. Additional details can be found in the Federal Register in the “Notice of Funding Availability and Final Rule Correction” and at To ensure avail- ability of funding, producers with ap- proved applications initially received 80% of their payments. The Farm Service Agency will automatically is- sue the remaining 20% of the calculat- ed payment to eligible producers. Going for- ward, producers who apply for CFAP will receive 100% of their total payment, not to exceed the payment limit, when their appli- cations are approved. Producers, espe- cially those who have not worked with FSA previously, are rec- ommended to call 877-508-8364 to begin the application pro- cess. An FSA staff member can help pro- ducers start their application during the phone call. On, producers can:
appointment. Program delivery staff will be in the office, and they will be working with producers in the office, by phone and using online tools. More in- formation can be found at virus.
Telegraph staff reports WASHINGTON — Additional com- modities are now covered by the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program in response to public comments and data, the U.S. Department of Agriculture an- nounced in a press release this week. Additionally, the USDA is extending the deadline to apply for the program to Sept. 11, and producers with approved applications will receive their fi- nal payment. After reviewing over 1,700 responses, even more farmers and ranchers will have the opportu- nity for assistance to help keep operations af loat during these tough times. “President Trump is standing with America’s farmers and ranchers to en- sure they get through this pandemic and continue to produce enough food and fi- ber to feed America and the world,” said USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue. “That is why he authorized this $16 billion of direct support in the CFAP program and today we are pleased to add additional commodi- ties eligible to receive much needed assis- tance. CFAP is just one of the many ways USDA is helping pro- ducers weather the impacts of the pan- demic. From deferring payments on loans to adding f lexibilities to crop insurance and
reporting deadlines, USDA has been lever- aging many tools to help producers.” USDA collected com- ments and supporting data for consideration of additional commod- ities through June 22. The following addi- tional commodities are now eligible for CFAP: » Specialty crops — aloe leaves, banan- as, batatas, bok choy, carambola (star fruit), cherimoya, chervil (french parsley), cit- ron, curry leaves, daikon, dates, dill, donqua (winter mel- on), dragon fruit (red pitaya), endive, esca- role, filberts, frisee, horseradish, kohlra- bi, kumquats, leeks, mamey sapote, maple sap (for maple syrup), mesculin mix, micro- greens, nectarines, parsley, persimmons, plantains, pome- granates, pummelos, pumpkins, rutaba- gas, shallots, tangelos, turnips/celeriac, tur- meric, upland/winter cress, water cress, yautia/malanga, and yuca/cassava. » Non-specialty crops and livestock — liquid eggs, fro- zen eggs and all sheep. Only lambs and year- lings (sheep less than two years old) were previously eligible. » Aquaculture — catfish, crawfish, largemouth bass and carp sold live as food- fish, hybrid striped bass, red drum, salm- on, sturgeon, tilapia, trout, ornamental/ tropical fish and recre- ational sportfish. » Nursery crops and
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