King's Business - 1939-05

Richer Ore Than the 49ers Fonnd Awaits Oar Biola Teams

A Song for the Biola Soul Rushers

W e don't need a shovel — A Bible will do,

Or the strains of an old Gospel song; And we'll pull some rich soul dust from out o f this mud, And then we'll be rolling along.

JUST W AITING TO BE EVANGELIZED THE C O M IC STRIPS APPEAL ON SUNDAY M O R N IN G S But we believe our Biola Teams could hold their attention even better. Shocking Conditions Present Spiritual Challenge This sturdy group lounging at a railroad station are just the type our Biola Teams will £ be seeking to reach.

are asking that God will move upon the hearts of His stewards to aid in supplying the needed equipment which will enable these student witnesses to spend their vacations in mission work in the migrant camps of California. Viewing the matter from the natural standpoint, at the present moment it seems very difficult— in fact almost impossible—to conceive that a fund sufficiently large to purchase or rent the cars or trailers; to pro­ vide a minimum amount of expense money; and to purchase Bibles and tracts and Gospels, will be sup­ plied before Graduation Day, June 8. Thus as each of the intervening days slips by, prayers become more urgent and insistent, and faith is put to a dif­ ficult test that this needed work can be accomplished.

ALMOST everybody knows of the shocking condi- /A tions existing among the huge population of mi- grants who are thronging the agricultural areas of the State of California. Both State and Federal gov­ ernments have been moved to alleviate the physical discomforts as much as possible, and to feed and edu­ cate the undernourished children of these stranded families. But these efforts have touched only a por­ tion of the estimated million of indigent people. No adequate provision, however, has been under­ taken for the spiritual needs of this vast multitude. Twenty-seven earnest and determined young men, under the leadership of S. H. Sutherland, Director of Practical Work, are engaged in concerted prayer at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles these days. They


Students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are volunteering to travel with all speed from camp to camp with the gospel message. An experienced instru­ mentalist in each group will aid in pre­ senting the “Good News” through music. Team members not only will hold services but also will do personal work among individuals wherever the oppor­ tunity offers. Each morning they plan to hold Bible classes for mothers and other residents in the camp that they are visiting. In the afternoon there will be child evangelism meetings, and in the evening, a big gospel meeting with the singing of the old-fashioned hymns and the presentation of the old gospel message. Personal work will occupy the rest of the day. The workers will make earnest at­ tempts to secure definite decisions. Gos­ pels, Testaments, and tracts will be dis­ tributed at each meeting. This spiritual project will be a good investment for your tithe or special giving. Money is needed for the following uses: (1 ) For the purchase or rental of cars or trailers. (2 ) For supplying Gospel tracts and Scripture portions.

(3 ) For paying the inevitable ex­ penses and a minimum compen­ sation for the students so that they can return next fall and continue their work at the In­ stitute. A circular fully describing the work will be sent on application, but we ask that you make this evangelistic effort a matter of special prayer, and, if possi­ ble, add your pledge or gift. Our pledges are monthly payments for five months, beginning in May and ending in September. It is really necessary that we know how much we have available before we send out our first team, as the number of teams will be dependent upon the amount received for this purpose. 5 MIGRANT MISSION FUND ■ Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated £ 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California ! □ I am enclosing $ ............................. as my gift to the ■ MIGRANT M ISSION FUND which you are establishing. ■ □ I will pledge $ .......................monthly for five months ■ beginning May 1, 1939, to the MIGRANT MISSION 5 FUND that you are organizing. 5 [ ] I will donate the use of an automobile or trailer ■ for your work among the California migrants. ■ Name ..................................................................................................... S Street .................................................................................................. ■ City............................................................. State.............................

HE'S A SK ING FOR A RIDE Why not take him to Sunday-school where the Biola Teams will teach these youngsters?

(Illustrations from International News Photos)

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