King's Business - 1939-05

May, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Three times he was shipwrecked, and he spent a day and a night in the deep. He went on many perilous journeys. He was hungry and thirsty and cold and weary again and again. But he was glad when these things happened to him, for when he was weak, God gave him strength. God could work through him, and people seeing what he did would not say, "What a won­ derful man Paul is!” Rather would they say, “Whdt a wonderful God who can do all of these things through this weak man Paul!" And now when Paul knew that the end was near, he could look back and be con­ tent to go. He said these beautiful words, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Hence­ forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the right­ eous judge, shall give me at that day.” Paul knew that he had been faithful to the work which God had given him to do. God has given each one of us some work to do. Are we being faithful?

Ç y m b d l df S e c u r i t y

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“Only a rose— but it means FINANCIAL FREEDOM.”

The simple joys of a quiet garden, rich companionship and wholesome activity can gladden your life’s autumn if your money is safely invested in an Income Gift Contract (An­ nuity) of THE SALVATION ARMY The officers of this world-wide organization are men and women whose joy is sacrifice and service in the cause of humanity. Through the Officers’ Retirement Fund, your investment cares for them in their declining years and brings you a high rate of interest. Your Dollars Do Double Duty You or a beloved survivor are guaranteed a steady income for life. Afterwards your money goes to further the work of this great Christian enterprise in saving the fallen and helping the needy. Souls snatched as brands from the burning will rise up to call you blessed. Broken-hearted men and women who have lost courage, girls who need guidance and help, slum children glimpsing green fields for the first time, victims of flood, famine, war, disease and poverty—all succored and saved through T H E S A L V A T I O N A R M Y by means of your gift and others.

Object Lesson C a sk et o r C rown

Objects: A small jewel casket, and a small cardboard crown covered with guilt paper. Lesson: After the death of a rich man who had lived selfishly some one asked, “What did he leave?" A friend wisely answered, "He left everything.” That man was rich until death over­ took him, and then he was poor. He could not take any of his wealth with him. He had lived a foolish life, because he had lived for the things of this world. This lit­ tle casket will remind us of those who, though they may be rich, lose all at death. Paul was not this kind of person. He lived for eternity and not for time. People may have thought of him as being poor when he died, but he was indeed rich, for he had an eternal reward. This little crown reminds me of Paul’s words, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness" (2 Tim. 4:7, 8 ). Paul spoke of fighting against the powers of the devil. He was a man that was not afraid. He spoke of his service as though he had run a race. He was a man who fin­ ished the task Christ gave him. He was not a quitter. Because of his faithfulness to Christ, he was to receive a great reward— a crown. His wealth did not end at death. W e need to ask ourselves whether we are living for time or eternity. If we know Christ as Saviour, we Will be with Him. And if we have served Him faithfully, we, too, like Paul, will have an eternal crown.

MAIL COUPON Get full particulars of Income Gift Con­ t r a c t (A n n u ity ) 'w ith o u t obligation. You can share in this great Christian enterprise with ben­ efit a n d b le s s in g . Mail coupon today. The Salvation Army Central Territory Headquarters Dept. K B-5 719 N. State St. Chicago Illinois

MR. C. Y . SCHAFFER, Director The Salvation Army, Extension Department 111 W est Washington St., Chicago, 111. Dept. KB-5

Please send me without obligation full particulars of your investment plan in Income Gift Contract (Annuity) that will insure me a life income.


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.Survivor's Birth (if any).

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