King's Business - 1939-05

May, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


bees and butterflies preached to a lot of lazy churchgoers suffering with spiritual indigestion because they feed and feed and feed on splendid sermons and refuse to go out and exercise in the Lord’s vineyard! Away with our prim, precise approach and our dignified bearing while all around us boys and girls are going to hell! Society, helpless in itself against the onrush of juvenile crime, expects us Chris­ tians to do something. W e claim to have the only solution that will give satisfactory, permanent relief. The world hears us talk about the gospel as being the dynamite of God to blow out the strongholds of sin and Satan. And the world wonders why we do not use so mighty a weapon. Just so long as we sit at ease in Zion with precious boys and girls all about us being sucked into the maelstrom of marihuana addiction and other wickedness, just so long will we have a job on our hands to make the world believe in the sincerity of our preaching. Christ Alone Can Save and Satisfy Thank God, the gospel of Jesus Christ, presented by the humblest child of God, is more potent than all the boasted knowl­ edge of all the psychiatrists and psycholo­ gists when it comes to a life completely changed. I recently challenged one of these gentlemen in this wise: “You show me one delinquent boy or girl, giving me name and address, whose life, habits, desires, ambi­ tions, and hopes have been completely changed and reversed, so that he loves the things he once hated, and hates the things he once loved; and for every one you can name that has been changed by your meth­ ods, I will guarantee to name at least ten that have been so changed by accepting Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord of their lives.” The challenge still stands! The marihuana menace must be met! Drop something else from your busy life, reader, if need be, and find out the condi­ tions in your community. Then go to work on the problem with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It works! [The writer o[ this article is the author o f a widely circulated booklet, "The Men­ ace o f Marihuana,” which may be had from him at five cents a copy. His tract, "L ook Out! It’s Loaded!” is available for distribution among school children. He is now preparing manuscript for a larger book, "’Hie Moloch of Marihuana.” Mr. Devine may be addressed at 111 N. Chest­ nut St., Lansing, Mich. Reprints o f the present article, "Assassin of Youth,” pub­ lished in somewhat condensed form, may be secured for one cent each by addressing T he K ing ’ s B usiness , 558 S. Hope S t, Los Angeles, Calif .—E ditor .] Blessing Through Evangelistic Preaching In the North Long Beach Methodist Church, North Long Beach, California, Joseph W. John­ ston recently assisted the pastor, J. Hunter^ Smith, in a week of evangelistic meetings in which the Lord graciously blessed. “The interest and attend­ ance grew from night to night,'* the pastor ^writes. “There were a number of clear-cut conversions as a result of the meetings. _The messages were al­ ways constructive and spiritual." Mr. Johnston is open for evangelistic or Bible conference en­ gagements. His address is 1545 North Los Robles Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Please see page 194 of this issue for other details.

“ASSASSIN OF YOUTH” IConiinued [rom page 175]

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war. As many as fifty per cent of the stu­ dents questioned in one high school admit­ ted smoking marihuana cigarettes. An Il­ linois mother wrote me recently that fol­ lowing a lecture on marihuana in her town, an investigation of local school conditions revealed the fact that a number of junior high school students were indulging in nude dancing while under the influence of mari­ huana. This is the stuff that is being sold "just around the comer” from schools in almost every state of the Union! Starfling Indifference Evidence of an aroused public opinion against the traffic is found in the fact that leading magazines and newspapers are giv­ ing increasing space to an expose' of the menacing potentialities of illicit use of the drug. This is true also of radio broadcast­ ing stations and various clubs and churches. But there are still too many Americans who refuse to believe that there is any ground for anxiety. As proof, I quote from a letter among the hundreds that come to my desk. This one is from a prominent woman in one of our central cities-—a woman who has been sacrificing a great deal to carry the fight against marihuana to the floor of Congress. She writes: "Our minister happened to be pres­ ent at a meeting in which I had sought to stir up interest in the fight against the ‘reefer’ racket. He was asked to say a few words. He said: 'I have en­ joy ed (emphasis mine) hearing about this new dope, but I do not feel any cause for alarm. There have always been depressions and repressions in re­ ligion, and I think the young people of today are as good, if not a great deal better, than they have ever been; in fact I am quite hopeful for the fu­ ture.’ And much more in the same strain." This is not an unusual attitude. It is too general. Rouse Ye! Wake up, pastors! Wake up, parents! Wake up, America! Every pastor worthy of the name should interest himself and his people in the battle against this hellish business. Smug preachers must be aroused from their lethargy. Well might Mary Bartelme, former judge of the Chicago Juve­ nile Court, state with a biting sarcasm that indicated the depth of feeling which prompted so stinging a rebuke: “If more pastors and preachers would come here to my court and see the grist of youthful human lives going through the mill, they would spend less time playing golf and bowling, and there would be an appreciable diminution of juvenile crime in this great metropolis!” If you yourself have experienced the power of salvation, wield it as a weapon against this soul-destroying scourge. Christ Jesus gives powerl Away with our care­ fully worded little sermons on birds and

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