King's Business - 1939-05

May, 1939

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


there is a human hand. It holds the rapt attention of the figures in the picture and becomes the object of interest to every eye that looks upon the celebrated canvas. It is the hand of Jesus, and He is saying to the doubting disciples, "Behold my hands. There they are, those holy hands, deep scarred with the iron pins that nailed them to the cross still red with the wounds of the crucifixion . . . One quite easily understands the first impression of rebuking the incre­ dulity of a faithless disciple. Did not Jesus say He would rise? But look a little deeper into the canvas and see whether in those hands you cannot read the perpetual dig­ nity and sacredness of unselfish labor. The use a man makes of his hands is in no small degree an index to his character. Christ said, “Behold my hands.” "I am among you as he that serveth.” —W . E. B iederwolf . II. G uidance from the W ord The Daily Bible Readings appearing in A Year o f Meetings (Published by the International Society of Christian En­ deavor) give particularly helpful sugges­ tions on this week’s topic, as follows: 1. A call to Service (Ex. 3:9-12). ¡2. Called to Special Duty (Judg. 6:11- 16). 3. Faithfulness of Christ (prophetic) (Psa. 40:7-10). 4. Peter’s Commission (John 21:15-19). 5. Each in His Own Place (John 3:22- 30). 6. A Question of Submission (Acts 9: 1 - 6 ). In using these Scripture passages, the leader can point out spiritual principles which apply in obtaining God’s guidance and responding to His call. For example, Moses’ call emphasizes yielding to God whatever talent one may possess. “What is that in thine hand?” is the same vital ques­ tion today that it was then. From Peter’s commissioning (John 20:15- 19), we learn that love to Christ is the touchstone of service. Much “service” is done in self-will and from selfish motives, but all that is done from love to Christ is impelled by the Holy Spirit. Christ’s gen­ eral command still stands: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mk. 16:15). It remains for us to seek actively the place and kind of serv­ ice He has planned for us.—M. G. G. JUNE 18, 1939 L EA R N IN G A F T E R SCH O O L Wisdom and knowledge have been the goal of mankind for centuries. Scientists devote years of painstaking labor and in­ tense research to discover new facts. Edison toiled hours on end without food or sleep to perfect his inventions. Burbank labored with infinite patience to produce new forms in the plant life he loved. Both of these men wanted to know. Richard Byrd in his book, Alone, describes the tortures he en­ dured during his long vigil near the South Pole in order that he might learn some new facts concerning that part of the globe. Time would fail to mention even a fraction D A Y S A R E O V E R P r 6 verbs 2:1-9, 3:1-6 Meditation on the Lesson

opportunity for Christian growth, through service for Christ. As you feed His "lambs,” He strengthens you. The divi­ dends from service of this kind are large. One young woman last summer did a great work for the Lord by going to vacant lots where a number of children were playing and by teaching them songs and Bible les­ sons through posters and Scripturegraphs. "Buy up” your opportunities this sum­ mer!—M. G. G.

By Louis S. Banman T H E T IM E OF JACOB’S TROU BLE—An­ swering a little German Jewish girl’s question, “What Makes Folks Hate Us So?’’ Third Edi­ tion Revised. 132 pages, 35c, 3 for $1.00. T h r e e u n c l e a n s p i r i t s l i k e f r o g s — SOCIALISM , COMMUNISM, FASCISM . The booklet is based on Rev. 16:13-16. The author firmly believes these “isms’’ to be the “three unclean frogs” that are surely leading the nations on to Armageddon. 70 pages, 25c. 5 for $1. S H IR T S AND SH E E T S; Or, Anti-Semitism, A Present-Day Sign of the First Magnitude 1 The entire story of the eternal conflict between the seed of the woman” (Christ) and “the seed of the serpent” (Satan). 52 pages, 25c. 5 for $1.00. P REPA R E WAR1 Or, Arming for Armageddon. A review of the rearmament activities of the nations, in the light of the Prophetic Word. A commentary on the third chapter of Joel. 63 pages, 25c. 5 for $1.00. G OD AND GOG: Or, The Coming Meet Be­ tween Judah’s Lion and Russia’s Bear. Time­ ly instructive and intensely interesting ex­ position of Ezekiel 38 and 39. Second Edition. 40 pages, 15c. 2 for 25c. HE WORLD’S HEART FA IL U R E ; Or, Our Lord’s Own Crystaline Prophecy of The Sure Signs of His Return. “ Distress of nations — “no way out”—-*"men’s hearts failing them for fear —all graphically portrayed in this booklet. 24 pages, 15c. 2 for 25c. T h e m o d e r n t o n g u e s m o v e m e n t Examined and Judged in the Light of The Scriptures and in the Light of Its Fruits. A sane Scriptural exposure of this delusion. Second Edition Revised. 38 pages, 25c. 5 for $1.00. All of the above prices are postpaid. Special Combination offer— One each of the above books for $1.50 postpaid. Save 15 cents. Order from ALAN S. PEARCE . 1925 E ast Fifth Street, Long Beach, California SUNDAY SCHOOL literature Q U A R T E R L I E S and P A P E R S following tho Int. Uniform Lesson Topics A free sample pac\ with catalogue sent on request to any Sunday School official. Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059 :: :: Cleveland, Ohio our FREECATALOGSaves Our Missionary Unit Serves Foreign Missionaries FOREIGN MISSIONARIES m tm b m form ar 50 rears hare had confidence tn Ward a Miaaicnary Unit aa the most economical source for personal supplies and mission equipment of high quality. SECRETARIES and PURCHASING AGENT8 of Foreign ^Missions find that our free catalog, with ita 100,000 separate items, and our special quan­ tity prices enable them to «ave money for their stations. MISSION BOARDS can econom ise by selecting hardware, paints, plumbing goods, electrical sup­ plies and similar materials from our catalog, for shipment abroad. If you wish a Montgomery Ward catalog for export use only, write TODAY for a free copy. MONTGOM ERY W ARD Ezpart Mlnlanary Unit Chicago, U. 8. A.

JUNE 11, 1939 F IN D IN G M Y P LA C E O F C H R IS T IA N S E R V IC E I saiah 6:8; M atthew 4:18-20 Meditation on the Lesson

The first question that comes usually to a born-again person who is filled with love for his Saviour is, "What can I do to show Him my love and gratitude?” When Paul met the Lord on the way to Damascus, his first question was "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" "Saved to serve,” is a slogan we might all adopt, for— “Since from His bounty I receive Such proofs of love divine, Had I a thousand hearts to give, Lord, they should all be Thine.” In our lesson today, we see the youthful prophet Isaiah bowing in humble submis­ sion as he "heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Eagerly, I believe, the prophet said, "Here am I; send me." He had been cleansed by the live coal from the altar; God Himself had made him ready. Isaiah's preparation is described in the pre­ ceding verses of the chapter. He had had a consciousness of God (v. 1), a conviction of sin (v. 5 ), a confession of sin (v. 5 ), a cleansing from sin (vs. 6, 7 ), a call for service (v. 8 ), and consequently he could offer himself as a messenger for the Lord. Centuries later, the Lord’s voice is heard again, this time as in the Person of Jesus Christ He speaks to two fishermen: "Fol­ low me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Peter and Andrew “straightway . . . followed him.” Today, that same Voice is calling to Christian Endeavorers, "Fol­ low me, and I will make you fishers of men." So many calls clamor for the at­ tention of youth today, that each Chris­ tian young person must pray for the guid­ ance of the Holy Spirit that he may find the place which God intends him to fill. “Let none hear you idly saying, ‘There is nothing I can do,’ While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you. Take the task He gives you gladly; Let His work your pleasure be;

Answer quickly when He calleth— ‘Here am I, O Lord, send me.’ ” Helps for the Leader I. “B ehold M y H ands ”

The great painting by Peter Paul Ru­ bens entitled “The Incredulity of Thomas” emphasizes in a marked way the meaning of service . . . Almost in the very center

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