King's Business - 1939-05

May, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


CenPud&Hii Read of the needs of 34,000,000 souls among whom our missionaries toil in loneliness and hardship. 8 booklets and current magazine, “Dawn in Central Asia," sent post free for 50 cents. If visiting Keswick, join the C.A.M. Houseparty, B ru n d h o lm H o tel, overlooking the lake. Write to REV. ERNEST E. GRIMWOOD, C EN TRA L A S IAN M ISS IO N 47 Victoria St., London, S.W . 1. YOUR SEARCH If AT AN END Send cHow for Sampley OF TH E SUNDAYSCHOOLLESSONS T H A T A RE CHRIST CENTERED CAPTIVATING NOT DATED BEGINNERS THROUGH SENIOR SEN D 1Oc FOR SA M PLES THE GOSPEL L IGHT PRESS H EN R IETTA C. M EA RS, ED ITO R ; HENRY J, MARTIN PHARMACY 5th and Olive Sts., Los Angeles, Calif. Oldest Prescription Pharmacy in the city — 30 years, same location—more than 1,100,000 prescriptions filled. No L iq u o rs H and led Telephone Orders Promptly Delivered ------Christian Greeting Cards------ F or Sale or fo r Personal Use Comforting, encouraging messages of cheer to the sick and sorrowing, birthday, etc., etc., many with Bible Texts—in great variety of artistic settings—the type of Greetings Christian people are looking for. Cards that are different—not found in stores—Boxed and Unboxed—good profit—No investment necessary. Catalog and Sales Plans on request. PEASE GREETING CARDS, Inc. 264 Laurel St. Dept. K. Buffalo, N. Y. 1443-A N. «Vine St., Hollywood, Calif.

DANIEL’S PROPHECY OF T H E | SEVENTY WEEKS [Continued from p ag e 180] ing that “if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out” (vs. 39, 40). Certainly something was happen­ ing here that had never happened before. But most important of all, we have from the lips of Christ Himself an estimate of the unparalleled importance of that day and what He was doing. Weeping over the city, because He knew in advance the cer­ tainty of His rejection, He laments, “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes” (v. 42). What “day”? Why, the day God had fixed in Daniel’s prophecy, the day that belonged to Israel, the day on which their Messiah would manifest Him­ self as the “Prince,” the exact 173,880th day of the prophecy! And what were “the things” belonging to their peace? They are the identical "things” named in verse 24 of the prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, those marvelous blessings promised to Israel by that God who never breaks a covenant. But now for a time all these "things” are to be hid from the eyes of the nation, their enemies will prevail over them, and the city will be once more destroyed. But why? And the answer is tragic but just: “ Because thou knewest not THE T IM E O F THY V ISITAT ION “ (v. 44). Thus the 173,880 days of the first Sixty- Nine Weeks ran their course to the very day-—deep and abiding encouragement to all who love the Lord and His precious Word of prophecy. And I close this dis­ cussion with but one remark: The exact fulfillment of this one prophecy is sufficient to demonstrate the accuracy of Daniel, and also by implication the inspiration of the Bible and the truth of Christianity. Only G od can speak “declaring the end from the beginning" and can forecast to thé very day “things that are not yet done" (Isa. 46:10). [T o b e Continued] BEFORE YOU MARRY [Continued from page 178] band except as infinite mercy may reach his heart and draw him to the Lord. Yes, he has had occasion to know many times that I feel a hunger for spiritual com­ panionship, but he thinks he is so much ahead of many husbands whom we know that I should be thankful. I am sure that the hurt of parting even after our engage­ ment would have been small compared to the hurt of trying to adjust two divergent souls to a common interest, each one hiding his deepest longings lest the expression of them bring up discussion u n c o v e r i n g wounds that are trying to heal. Indeed, I know there is grace to take me through to the eternal city, but my influ­ ence with young people has been hindered greatly by my example in disobeying the command about unequal yoking together. And my opportunity to serve the Lord is limited continually by the need of being fair to my husband’s right to have his share of happiness and choices. There is continually the problem of how I am to be consistent in my loyalty to my husband and to my Lord. Before you marry— stop and think!

P e a r l D iving E xp ed ition (THE SALVATION STORY)

T h e D I F F E R ­ ENT Church Va­ cation program— sustaining inter­ est of "Officers” as well as "P as­ sengers” through­ out the t h r e e weeks* "Cruise.” AhTi - B IB L E— Soul - Winning the objective!

Has been used w i t h splendid results in many churches. For information eall MO-14239. Write E TH E L B. HANSEN 844 N. Hobart Boulevard • Los Angeles

PROMOTER See this new monthly magazine for teachers, superintendents, directors and pastors. Givesyoupractical working material to promote enroll' ment, increase interest and win souls to Christ. Clarence H. Benson, Editor. Don’t miss the first issue. Send 10c for sample. Single subscriptions, $1.00. Five or more to one address, each subscrip­ tion, 80c a year. Foreign, add 25c each. Write today. THE SCRIPTURE PRESS Dept. K -B . 8 0 0 North Clark S treet Chicago, Illinois SHOE REPAIRING Any Description Made Same as New— Reasonable Price LEGION SHOE SERVICE 624 W. 6th, Los Angeles • Phone VA-9814 formerly with Wetherby Kayser Shoe CO., L. A. French, 8hriner and Urner, N. Y. C. Students only Special . . . B est Soles....... ------------- 75c pair

Wonderful Little Scripture Booklet (16 pages) for Distribution among . JEWS Endorsed by many MISSIONARIES Quotations from "the LAW, the PROPHETS, and the PSALMS"

Sôraefa Jfaitf) anb itope A Message to the Beloved of God

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y a t?

i “int* n Hear, O Israel: Jehovah Our God, Jehovah it One!

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Combine service and profit by selling the popular “Sunshine Line” in your locality. Real opportunity with unrestricted territory. Full or part time. Start now. Most Complete Religioui Line Never before such a generous offer. Full line includes new 1939 Christmas and Everyday Scripture-Text Greeting Card Assortments, “Bit-O’-Sunshine” Plaques, Bible-Text Stationery, Seals and Tags, Calendars, Bibles and good Books including Egermeier’s BIBLE STORY BOOK. New liberal commissions. Write nearer office for details of new plan and illustrated catalog—a surprise awaits you! GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY. D.j*. D Sacramento, California Anderson, Indians

God it not a man, that he should lie. Neither die ton of man, that he should repent: Hath he said, and will he not do it? . Or hath he spoken, and will he not make it good? From the Lawof Moses, numbers 23-19..

concerning CHRIST.

Only 3c each $2.00 per 100.

Half size reproduction—Front Cover. A m e r i c a n S c r i p t u r e G i f t M i s s i o n 119 South 4th Street Phila., Pa. Drop a nickel in an envelope with name and address and receive SAM PLE and a few leaflets.

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