King's Business - 1939-05

May, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Biblical Message Through Stereopticon Slides

ecy in that ancient country. Mr. McKinney’s manner of presenting the gospel message is most effective. He may be reached at 703 So. Lincoln Street, Littleton, Colo.

Çifts Received during March, 1939

With the aid of unusual and exquisite stereopticon slides, Robert E. McKinney, of Denver, Colo., spoke to appreciative audiences in the Church of the Open Door in the week following March 27. His com­ plete set of views makes possible a connect­ ed story from Creation’s dawn to the events surrounding the life of Paul in Rome. He has also motion pictures of the Holy Land, indicating striking fulfillment of the proph-

Honor R o ll............... ............ .......$ 357.05 “Go Forward” Campaign.......... 1,653.20 China .............. 227.00 General Fund................................ 5,540.86 $7,778.11 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Incorporated 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California New Ideas for Daily Vacation Bible Schools While searching for a new plan that would be pleasing to boys and girls and would be adaptable also to Daily Vacation Bible School activities, Ethel Bellinger Han­ sen was led to develop the “Stay-at-Home Cruise Through the Holy Land.” This popular course of lessons provides for a “visit" to a different Biblical scene each school day, with a gala “home-coming day” at the close of the weeks of study. ThU summer course has been used, with marked success, in twelve churches (mostly in Southern California) and in five of this number, the plan was followed for two or more consecutive years—a fact which, in itself, speaks of the excellence of the project. Miss Hansen has now prepared a second course of studies, known as a “Pearl Diving Expedition,” which offers unlimited possi­ bilities for Daily Vacation Bible School use and for other work among children. Based upon the fact that the formation of a pearl is caused by the addition of some other substance or body, the course, or “Expe­ dition," considers first of all the adding of new members — those who accept Jesus Christ as Saviour, and who in turn become “divers.” There are exciting lessons on "The Diver’s Enemy,” “The Diver’s Equip­ ment,” “Where Pearls Are Found,” and on many other subjects. Boys and girls will delight in this novel approach to a most interesting theme. For printed (or mimeographed) instruc­ tions for teachers, write Ethel Bellinger Hansen, 844 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Please see also the announcement on page 205 of this issue. New and Larger Quarters The Western Book and Tract Company of Oakland, Calif., is celebrating its Silver Anniversary by moving into larger and modem quarters. For twenty-five years, this honored firm has been doing business in Oakland, and in that time has occupied three different stores, each one larger than the preceding one. The new headquarters is at 1719 FRANKLIN STREET . It will provide for a reading room and conference room where Christian workers can gather. H. A. Ironside, pastor of the Moody Me­ morial Church of Chicago, is the President of the company, and L. M. Deimel is the manager. Friends who attend the San Fran­ cisco World’s Fair are invited to visit also the Western Book and Tract Company in Oakland.

DON ’T FORG ET To take along an assortment of GOSPEL TRACTS

When you write letters, be sure to enclose a Gospel Mes­ sage. Sow Gospel seed wherever you go. Send postage for samples printed on various colors of paper (many illus­ trated). Tracts Free to those unable to pay for them. Supported by Voluntary offerings. PILGRIM TRACT SOCIETY, Inc. Department K • Randleman, N. C.

s m i T u i L u m

E v E R Y Christian worker, every teacher, su- . perintendent and pastor will gain untold inspiration from these Christ-centered pub­ lications. Attractively printed, beautifully illustrated^ and edited for the heeds of today, they provide exhaustive treatment of the In­ ternational Uniform Lessons, together with inspirational and Christian material. The New Century Leader A monthly manual of working plans com­ bined with the best features of a Christian magazine. Different. Practical. Based square­ ly on the Bible. Each Sunday-school lesson is covered completely and is accompanied by teaching suggestions for each age group. Contains invaluable material for teachers, su­ perintendents and pastors . . . 20 cents per quarter (3 months); 75 cents per year. Adult Bible Class Member’s Monthly A beautifully illustrated, 44-page guide for adult Bible class members, with complete les­ son treatment, historical notes, articles on all phases of class activities, Christian education, evangelism and missions. Of special interest is_ the application of lesson teachings to indi­ vidual daily needs. In lots of five or more to one person, 13Va cents each per quarter.

' —and Moses said unto them , This is the bread which the Lord hath given you to eat ” . . . Ex. 16: 15

Lesson Helps for all departments David C. Cook Lesson Helps of outstanding: qual­ ity are also available for Beginners, Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Young People’s Departments, as well as the Home Depart­ ment. True to the Bible and based on the Inter­ national Uniform Lessons. Low cost publications for both teacher and scholar.

Gentlemen: I am interested in D “ The New Century Leader ” □ “ Adult Bible Class ” O Material for ................................... Department. Please send samples and prices. Name ........ ....... ......... [ ........... St. Address, Bx., or R. R........... C*ty ................ .................. State Sunday School .... ....... ............... DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING COMPANY 21 -F LINCOLN STREET „ ELGIN, ILLINOIS

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