King's Business - 1939-05



May, 1939


Around the King's Table E D I T O R I A L

Nobler Men A striking item found its way into the press some weeks ago concerning a will, the provisions of which specified that its $50,000,000 should be spent to make a “no­ bler race of men.” The fortune was left by a Wall Street financier and is being spent by his brother in an effort to develop this “nobler race of men.” Of course, the effort is utterly futile. No fortune, however large, can ever produce noble men. It may be able to provide some ennobling agencies, but ennoblement by this process is at its best only a cultural veneer. Nobility cannot be bought. It is the re­ sult of birth. W e do not mean the nobility of dukes and grandees. This type of nobili­ ty is entirely artificial. There is a nobility of birth, however, that will insure us not only a “nobler race of men” but what is better, a race of noble men. Such a race as this will be Bible-born. The Bible is a book that produces new men. It produces a no­ bility of character. "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious prom­ ises; that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:4). Consider the tremendous effect of a fifty- million-dollar fortune invested in Bibles in­ stead of buildings. Let us hope that men of means may see the cumulative value of money invested in spiritual enterprises rath­ er than in steel and stone. Gab and Grab The technique of conquest has gone through a radical and remarkable change in recent days. In the time of Napoleon it was the swift and stealthy movement of an army. In more recent years it was done by the formal declaration of war upon some pretext of provocation. But now our dic­ tators rush to the microphone to “gab” and then "grab." The advent of radio has revo­ lutionized the processes of statecraft. The usual microphonic appeal is based on na­ tionalism. In Hitler's case it is nationalism which is manifested in a violent anti-Semitic hatred. With microphone instead of the sword, Hitler has marched possessive armies into territory after territory. In 1935 it was the rich Saar basin. In March of 1938 it was the Austrian “Anschluss.” In September of 1938 it was Czechoslovakia, whose terri­ torial conquest he completed last March. By the microphone strategy Reichsfuehrer Hitler has become the undisputed master of Central Europe. Hitlers territorial conquests are impor­ tant in themselves. They give an outlet lor German merchandise. They also bring into the Reich Invaluable natural resources and great areas of agricultural land necessary for Germany's daily bread. But beyond this

There are two words for power in the New Testament. One is that which Chris­ tians experience at the new birth, and it is found in John 1:12: “But as many as re­ ceived him, to them gave he power to be­ come the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” This word “power” means authority. The other term refers to that which Christians experience at the full realization of Pentecost and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit: “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high” (Lk. 24:49). This “power” means ability or force. The two aspects of power are es­ sential parts of Christian experience, and they should be found together in every Christian because authority is useless with­ out force. Pentecost is the difference between an insipid Christian and an intrepid Christian. Pentecost changed weak, vacillating, cow­ ardly disciples into giants of faith and cour­ age. A Peter who retreated before an im­ pudent girl’s taunting abuse became a Peter who could stand before mobs and kings and defy their threats of torture and death with a calm and courageous spirit. W e do not face the paganism of the day of Peter and Paul; we face a new paganism demanding intrepid Christians in both pulpit and pew. Youth Won—and Winning Others One of the most delightful features of the Bible Institute training program is to be found in connection with the reports which come from week to week telling of the in­ tense love for souls and enthusiastic effort on the part of the students in bringing indi­ viduals, under the leading of the Holy Spirit* to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Weekly reports axe filled with rec­ ords of faithful witnessing on the part of Biola young people, and the Holy Spirit has seen fit to bless the work in a remark­ able way in professed conversions and in restoration of fellowship with the Lord among those who have lost interest in spiritual things. The following story is typical of many that come to the Practical Christian Work Department from week to week: During an evening meeting of the Torrey Memorial Conference, a Biola student was assigned to stay at the Information Desk in front of the Church of the Open Door. As she greeted each visitor with a smile and friendly word, she watched for opportunities to tell of her lovely Lord. While the meeting was in session, she noticed a little girl standing outside. En­ gaging her in conversation, the student dis­ covered that the child knew the Lord as her Sayiour, and endeavored to reveal to

fact is the significance of the new technique. The “gab and grab” method marks a new day. W e read in the prophetic Scriptures of a dynamic leader who shall have "a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies." W e wonder whether the new technique may not be another preparation for the coming of the Antichrist of whom the Scrip­ tures speak. It is interesting to watch the developments of various aspects of pro­ phetic truth and to see in scientific develop­ ments the creation of instruments that will play an important part in the thrilling and terrible days that lie ahead. Insipid or Intrepid The approach of Whitsunday faces the church and the Christian with the all too frequently neglected fact of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Whitsunday is the fifth Sunday and the fiftieth day after Easter and is observed in commemoration of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit. It is far more than another day in the ecclesiastical calendar. It is a spiritual epoch to be considered in the life of every Christian. Jesus gave His disciples this promise concerning the Holy Spirit as He met with them in the upper room: “Ye know him; for he abideth with you, and shall be in yon” (John 14:17, R .V .). Here was a sig­ nificant change that came at Pentecost. It was the change from God with us to God in us. This change made a commanding difference in the disciples. It meant a change in ability and performance. It meant the realization of their dreams of power, but in a different way than they had expected. They had aspired to power through an outward kingdom of God. They now received power through an inner king­ dom of God. They wanted Jesus to be a Sovereign by force. But now came force in a different form. It was the force of God manifest in regenerated lives and the preached Word. B IOLA RAD IO VESPERS KMTR— 570 Kilocycles 4:00 to 4:30 P.M, Daily, Monday through Friday, beginning April 24. A delightful half-hour of music, reading, singing, and Scripture meditation presented by the stu­ dents and faculty of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. LISTEN IN I PRAY FOR TH IS GOSPEL W ITNESSI

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