King's Business - 1939-05

May, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


her the unspeakable joy of reading His Word and talking to Him every morning and night in prayer. As the Biola student’s face glowed with the joy of her Lord while talking of Him, a woman came past the church from the Public Library and noticed on the student’s face the radiance that only He can give. Drawing nearer, she listened and soon interrupted with the following words: “You seem to be so joyful. I am not happy.” “You can be happy if you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour,” replied the student, and proceeded to tell her that the happiness of this world is just for a time, but that the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ endures forever. “It lasts through this life,” she continued, “and then we spend eternity with Him. You can have this joy, too, by simply believing on His name and accepting Him as Saviour.” I ve always believed,” said the woman. But there’s a difference between believ­ ing and taking,” replied the student, and Scriptures were read from the Bible that made the way of salvation clear. She in­ vited the woman to her room, and more of His great truths were revealed. As they talked in the student’s room of the Saviour, the visitor came into the realization that the joy that could be seen in the eyes of the student could be hers also. Humbly she lifted her heart to Him, and the Lord of Glory filled her with His unspeakable joy as she became His, and He became hers. World-Wide Day of Prayer for Missionaries and Ministers Thursday, May 25, has been set aside as a day of special prayer for ministers and missionaries. The Great Commission Pray­ er League, Chicago, 111., which is sponsor­ ing the plan, urges believers to spend at least one hour that day, alone with God on behalf of Christian leaders in all parts of the world. In these strenuous times, the enemy’s power is being directed toward those who are standing steadfastly for the Word of truth. The members of the body of Christ must not only apprehend their unity with Christ their living Head and with one another, but must also contribute by prayer and sympathy to the spiritual health of the whole body. May the Lord’s people "help by prayer" (2 Cor. 1:11)1 About the March Cover Picture Readers of the March, 1939, issue of T he K ing s B usiness will remember the remark­ able missionary picture which appeared on the back cover. Since this magazine was printed, a letter was received from H. W . Stock, Managing Director of the Evan­ gelical Christian, containing the follow­ ing interesting information: “This was a picture taken by our own Dr. Bingham, General Director of the Sudan Interior Mis­ sion, on one of his trips across Africa,” writes Mr. Stock. “The missionary to the right giving out the Word of God is Mr. D. M. Osborne, a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. The other white man, at the left of the picture, is my father, who accompanied Dr. Bingham on his trip." These facts, which were not at hand at the time the picture was used in T he K ing ’ s B usiness , are gladly shared with our read­ ers.

Views and Reviews of Current News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D.C., and San Diego, California

CONFUSION WORSE CONFOUNDED: From the standpoint of the secular news commentators, the European situation be­ comes more and more muddled and con­ fused. This page must be written over a month in advance of publication: thus the reader should add to this record of "con­ fusion worse confounded” the newer de­ velopments occurring during the four or five weeks intervening between the writing and the reading of this comment. On March 11, Dictator Joseph Stalin ad­ dressed the opening session of the eigh­ teenth all-union congress of the Communist Party in Moscow. Bluntly he declared that "Soviet Russia would not be dragged into conflict with Germany as a ‘cat’s paw’ to pull British and French chestnuts out of the fire." Yet, within less than two weeks, it was announced that Soviet Russia had lined up with France and England in a “stop Hitler” alliance which bound the Communists to join with the "democracies” in recourse to “armed conflict,” if necessary, to prevent further fascist aggrandizement. In his March 11 speech, Stalin bitterly upbraided the "democracies” for attempt­ ing to "embroil Italy, Japan, and Germany in a war against the Soviet Union.” He charged that France and Great Britain were deliberately steering and “directing the Nazi drive toward the East.” Stalin as­ serted that the “democratic design” was to bring about a death struggle between fasc­ ism and communism, which would assure the destruction of dictatorship and the tri­ umph of “capitalist democracy.” There could be no mistake as to Stalin’s meaning, for he took -pains to emphasize and elabo­ rate this position. The Associated Press said, "Stalin’s speech sounded like a rapprochement be­ tween Germany and Soviet Russia.” Some will say that Hitler’s surprise swal­ lowing up of what was left of Czecho­ slovakia caused Stalin to change his mind. It might be more accurate to say that he changed his strategy. There are many rea­ sons to doubt the sincerity of the Soviet’s support of the “stop Hitler” front. FRANCE UNDER DICTATORSHIP: In order to prepare to defend her "democ­ racy,” France has become a dictatorship— for the present, at least! Under his new grants of dictatorial power, Daladier will rule France with the iron hand_that Hitler wields over Germany. Thus, “democracy” commits suicide as it prepares to “defend” itself! The necessity for this step is obvious. To wage war successfully, a nation must be mobilized, militarized, and regimented. Mili­ tary discipline must supplant individual lib­ erty. Civil rights must be suspended. In­ dustry and agriculture—the civilian popula­ tion, at home—must be put under dictator­ ship.

Several years ago, the W ar Department at Washington, D.C., drew up plans for putting our people under dictatorship, for regimenting farmers, laborers, and business­ men, in case of another war. Similar plans are held in readiness in England. No “de­ mocracy” could remain “democratic” dur­ ing the course of another international war. The dictators must smile to themselves sardonically as they observe that dictator­ ship must take over the democracies, even before they begin to fight! Lenin said, "As Bolshevik Russia was born out of the first World War, a Bol- shevized world will be the result of the next World W ar.” Even though his sympathies may lie with Nazi Germany, Stalin may well be prepared to fight on the side of the “stop Hitler” nations, with the confidence that no matter which side wins, Bolshevism will be advanced. International war would almost certainly lead to internal revolu­ tions in the countries engaging in it. ATHEIST ADVANCE IN AMERICA: Several years ago, James H. Leuba took a “religious census” of scientists. Of 23,000 scientists covered by his questionnaire, only 30% declared themselves as believers in a personal God and immortality. Recently, Dr. Leuba extended his ques­ tionnaire to the names listed in Who's W ho in America. The parties polled on the ques­ tion of belief in a personal, prayer-answer­ ing God and in personal immortality, were classified according to their replies as fol­ lows: BELIEVERS believers in in god IMMORTALITY Bankers 64% 71% Businessmen 53 62 Lawyers 53 59 Writers 32 40 The “wisdom of this world,” the pseudo­ science and false scholarship of the "intel­ lectual” world, are increasingly organizing themselves against God and His Word. CAMPUS COMMUNISM: The American Student Union came into existence as a re­ sult of the merging of two radical organi­ zations, the League for Industrial Democ­ racy and the National Student League. The former was a socialist society, the lat­ ter a communist-controlled group. The American Student Union has grown by leaps and bounds during the last couple of years. Responsible educational authori­ ties have recently taken notice of its men­ ace to the faith and patriotism of the great mass of American students. The Teachers’ Alliance, one of the largest teachers’ organizations, in New York City has recommended to the Board of Education that the use of the schools be prohibited to such organizations as the American Student Union and “foreign po­ litical factions,” which, the Alliance as­ serts, "violate every democratic principle.”

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