Kinetix: Getting To The CORE Of Back & Neck Pain


You may be surprised how frequently neck and back pain actually stems from weakness of your core. Your core refers to the muscles in your back, abdomen, hips and pelvic floor. These muscles are called the core because they are at the center of your body and are necessary in just about every movement that you engage in. Everything, from walking and running and swimming to sitting and driving, requires you to engage your core. When your core is weak, increased stress is placed on your spine, spinal ligaments and surrounding musculature. Over time, this may result in increased neck or back pain, as well as poor posture. Improving your core strength can not only reduce existing neck or back pain but can also improve your posture and reduce your risk of developing neck or back pain in the future. There are a lot of ways that working with a physical therapist can help you improve your core strength. A physical therapist can determine which core muscles are weak and teach you exercises to improve the strength and endurance of those specific muscles, such as bridges for the low back and gluteal muscles. Core exercises should train both strength and endurance of the core muscles for maximum benefit. Light weight-training activities are also frequently helpful, as are balance- based activities like yoga. If you haven’t spent much time building core strength in the past, then working with a physical therapist is a great place to start. Your physical therapist will guide you through proper postures and movements to reduce further risk of injury. For more information about how to start improving your core, contact us today!

TRAIL MIX INGREDIENTS • 1 cup raw almonds • 3/4 cup raw cashews

• 2 tbsp unsweetened dried cranberries, chopped • 2 tbsp vegan dark chocolate chips • sea salt for taste

• 2/3 cup raw pumpkin seeds • 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds

DIRECTIONS Chop any large ingredients if necessary to make everything about the same size. Give the dried fruit a light sprinkle of sea salt before you mix it in (it sticks better), or sprinkle the whole mix with salt if you prefer. Combineall ingredients inabowlandenjoy!Store inanairtightcontainer for up to 2 weeks.

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