

Tools like this printer are important for their career too- our students are able to get training on sophisticated equipment, and with training some are running these machines, as an undergraduate. When we give tours to prospective students, they see we have tools like this that other schools in the state don’t. The exhibition was also a highlight of what a resource like this makes possible for our students. Can you talk about how your research and creative work informs and influences your undergraduate instruction? Everything that I teach, I go to the classroom feeling strong about it because I learn it myself. When I started teaching 3D printing in the classes, I used it in my research- because in order to be able to talk about something you needed to know what you’re talking about, especially when you are teaching graduate students. I take this super seriously. And I think one thing about Iowa, I think is this idea of taking a dream and being able to kind of, you have that seed and you water the seed every day, a little bit. That’s the process until you get that tree and then you have to take care of the tree. And that’s what I find in Iowa- people understand the importance, the value of investing in something, the benefit for the students; I’m here for the students, and I love doing my research.

Above: 3D-printed

lamp designs by students at the December exhibition

Left: BigRep 3D printer rendering a student design


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