Athletes are naturally at an increased risk for experiencing injuries. This is not as a result of any particular health issue that athletes typically have in common. Instead, it is a simple exposure equation. The more frequently you push yourself to try new things, to engage in physical activity, or to push yourself to reach a new goal, the more you are going to increase your risk for potential injury.
Health & Fitness We help people in pain return to normal naturally.
Athletes are naturally at an increased risk for experiencing injuries. This is not as a result of any particular health issue that athletes typically have in common. Instead, it is a simple exposure equation. The more frequently you push yourself to try new things, to engage in physical activity, or to push yourself to reach a new goal, themore you are going to increase your risk for potential injury. On more days than not, the injury won’t happen, but as every athlete knows, it only takes one bad day — one day when fatigue throws off your form just enough to cause your gait to be off, for you to feel a little distracted and not realize an obstacle is coming up, or just a fluke of amoment inwhich something TENDONITIS &SPORTS KEEPING THE PAIN AWAY FROM YOUR GAME UPCOMING WORKSHOPS Low Back Pain & Sciatica Tues, Sept. 17 | 7:00 pm Tues, Oct. 15 | 7:00 pm at Clarence Office Reserve your spot! Call (716) 634-1578
goes wrong and you go down. What makes matters worse is the fact that many athletes attempt to push past the pain of their initial injuries, which often leads to those injuries becoming more severe. Working with a physical therapist is especially important for athletes for this reason. A physical therapist can help identify potential issues with posture or formthatmay increase your risk for injury, help identify potential injuries as they develop, and assess the severity of and best treatment options for those injuries as soon as possible, so you always know exactly what your body needs to feel at its best.
(continued inside)
Understanding Tendonitis While there are some sports injuries that happen after a bad day, there are others that develop over time. Tendonitis is an incredibly common issue that causes pain to develop in the joints. This can impact the hips, knees, elbows or shoulders. Pain caused by tendonitis can impact everyday activities, making it exceedingly difficult to remain comfortable day to day or to remain active. Tendonitis can make simple activities such as picking up a gallon of milk or attempting to put something away on a shelf over your head incredibly painful and challenging. Unfortunately, when tendonitis develops, it often sticks around. Thismeans that pain that begins as frustrating and seeminglyminor can quickly become chronic and incredibly painful. Working with a physical therapist is the best way to address tendonitis pain early on, to improve range of motion and reduce the severity of your pain without having to turn to pain medications. What is Tendonitis? Tendonitis is a common issue among athletes because it develops as a result of overuse. While the average personmay engage in standard physical tasks such as walking or typing, an athlete takes that repetitive behavior to a new level. Consider a tennis player, for example. In addition to running and jumping, a skilled tennis player will spend hours every week swinging the racket, and this could result in added wear and tear on the elbows and wrists, not to mention the shoulders. Every bone in the body is connected with muscular fibers called tendons. The tendons are flexible, allowing the body to move more freely by letting bones TENDONITIS & SPORTS (Continued)
Call 716.839.3705 (Amherst) or 716.634.1578 (Clarence) to schedule today!
stretch apart or move in one direction or another. Tendonitis occurs when the tendons become inflamed. Swelling in the tendons can make movement painful and difficult. Typically, when pain is caused as a result of tendonitis, the pain is isolated at the noted areas of the body. Thismeans that a tennis playermay experience tendonitis in the elbow or shoulder, whereas a runner may be more likely to experience it in the Achilles tendon. In fact, this is why tendonitis in the elbow is frequently referred to as tennis elbow, while Achilles tendonitis is sometimes referred to as runner’s ankles or runner’s heels. Treating Tendonitis The best treatment for tendonitis is time. Unfortunately, this is something that many people are unable to give to an injury. When tendonitis develops, the best thing to do is to use ice and to relax that part of the body. Taking a few days off of practice or away fromyour workout may be sufficient, but in other cases, thismay require a few days in a wheelchair or on crutches, with the bulk of your weight off of the affected area. Workingwith a physical therapist can help you identify the best treatment methods for tendonitis. Your physical therapist can also help you identify the best range of motion and strength-building activities to reduce your likelihood of developing tendonitis. Formore informationabout preventingor treatingpain fromtendonitis, contact us today at our Amherst (716-839-3705) or Clarence (716-634-1578) locations. Relieve Pain In Minutes Try this exercise to loosen stiff legs.
Sit comfortably on the floor. Bring your feet toward your groin and place the bottoms of your feet together. Actively push your knees on either side of you towards the floor. You will feel a nice stretch along your inner thighs.
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Back to School! Classroom Backpack Strategy Back to Scho l! Clas room Backpack Strategy Back to Sch ol! Cla sr o Backpack Strategy
The benefits of good posture are more than just looking good, especially as a grade school or college student where the majority of their time is spent sitting down at a desk in the library or an uncomfortable chair in a lecture hall. No worries, though, we have your back; Here are some tips for you or your child to improve posture without even trying: Adjust the Backpack One of the reasons for back pain is because of the weight carried within the backpack. The gap between the back and backpack is what causes stress to the body and damage to posture. To fix this, adjust the backpack handles so the backpack can be as close to the back as possible to keep the spine from curving excessively when carrying a backpack. Unload the Backpack I know, I know, there’s a biology exam tomorrow and the chemistry book is The benefits of good posture are more than just looking ood, especially as a grade school or colleg student wher the majority of their time is spent sitt ng down at a desk in the libra y or an uncomfortable chair in a lecture hall. No worries, though, we have your back; Her are some tips for you or your child to improve posture without ev n trying: Adjust the Backpack One of the reasons for back pain is because of the weight carried within the backpack. The gap between the back and backpack is what cause stress to the body and damage to posture. To fix this, adjust he backpack handles o the backpack can be as close to the back as possible to keep the spine from curving excessively when carrying a backpack. Unload the Backpack I know, I know, ther ’s a biology exam tomorrow and the chemistry book is Th b nefits of go d posture are more than just lookin good, especi lly as grade sch ol r coll ge studen wh r the majority of their time is spen s tting down at a desk in the lib a y or an unc mfortable cha r in a lecture hall. N worries, though, we have your back; He are some tips for you or your child to improve posture wi hout ven trying: Adjust the Backpack One of the reasons for back pain is because of the weight carried within the backpack. The gap b tween the back and backpack is wh t cau es stress to the body and damage t posture. To fix this, adjus the backpack handle so the backpack can be as close to the back as possible to keep the spine from curving excessively when carrying a backpack. Unload the Backpack I know, I know, th re’s a bi logy exam tom rrow and t chemistry book is
needed so that the lab can be done properly. But carrying everything in the backpack and loading it with heavy school supplies is not good for the back or for posture. If at college, leave the heavy supplies at the dormitory or apartment and take a good walk home every time the supplies are needed (say yes to exercise!) or carry some in your hands. This will -literally- take weight from the back and will improve posture. Wear Both Straps of the Backpack The cool kids walk around campus carrying their backpacks on just one shoulder, but they also have bad posture and back problems. Try not to follow this trend. Instead, both straps of the backpack should be used so that weight is evenly distributed across the back. Source: how-to-improve-your-posture-as-a-college- student need so that the lab can be done properly. But carrying ev rything in the backpack and loading it with heavy school supplies is not good for the back or for posture. If at colleg , leave the heavy supplies at he dormitory or apartment and take a good walk home v ry time the supplies are need (say es to ex rcise!) or carry some in your hands. This will - iterally- take weight from the back and will improve posture. Wear Both Straps of the Backpack The cool kids walk around campus carrying their backpacks on just one shoulder, but hey also have bad posture and back problems. Try not to foll w this trend. Instead, both straps of the backpack should be used so that weight is ev nly distributed across the back. Source: how-to-improve-your-posture-as-a-colleg - student ne ed so that the lab can be done p operly. But carrying veryth g in the backpack and loading t with heavy school suppl es is n t good for the back f r posture. If at coll g , leav t heavy supplies a the dormit y or apartme t and take a good walk hom very time the supplies ar ne ed (sa yes to x rcise!) o carry some in your hands. Th s will -literally- take weight from the back and will improve posture. Wear Both Straps of the Backpack The cool kids w lk around campus carrying their backpacks on just one shoulder, but they also have bad posture and back problems. Try not to f llow his tre d. Instead, both straps of the backpack should b used so that weight is venly dis ributed across the back. Source: www.u rightp h w to-impr ve y ur-posture as-a-coll ge- s udent
“I had to return to Orthosports again due to tendonitis inmy knee. Went through 4 sessions and already have a big improvement. Staff is wonderful and really care about their patients. Comfortable atmosphere. Would not go anywhere else. This office has helped me tremendously and I highly recommend giving them a try. You won’t be disappointed.” - C. O. “This office has helped me tremendously and I highly recommend giving them a try.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “I had to return to Orthosports ag in due to endonitis nmy knee. Went through 4 se sions and already have a big mprovement. Staff is wonderful and really care about their patients. Comfortable atmospher . Would not go anywher else. This office has helped me tremendously and I highly recommend giving them a try. You won’t be disappointed.” - C. O. “This office has helped me tremendously and I highly recommend giving them a try.” PATIENT SUC ESS SPOTLIGHT “I had to re urn to Orthosports gain due o te donit s inmy knee. Went through 4 es io s nd lready h ve a b g improvement. Staff is wonderful and really care about their patients. C mfortable atmosph re. Would not go anywh re else. This office as helped me tremendously and I highly reco mend iving them a try. You won’t be disappointed.” - C. O. “This office has h lped me tr mendously and I ighly reco mend g ving them a try.” PATIENT SU CE SPOTLIGHT
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Wednesday, Sept. 25 | 1-4 pm at Orthosports: Clarence 8637 Main Street, Clarence, NY 14221 Laser Therapy Open House Come see if Laser Therapy is right for you at our Open House! Visit our Clarence office on Wednesday, September 25th from 1:00 to 4:00pm to learn first-hand about this safe, effective, and drug- free method of relieving pain. With LightForce lasers, treatments are quick—usually 5-12 minutes depending on the size, depth, and acuteness of the condition being treated. Treatments also feel good, with little to no sensation or a gentle, warm sensation – it’s up to you! Call (716) 634-1578 now to schedule your free laser demonstration and find relief from your pain. Open to current and past patients!
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