King's Business - 1970-09

BOOKS (continued) Pastor

PRAYER Continued, from Page 35 Thou hast said, “ P rom o tion comes not from the east nor from the west, but from Thee.” We ac­ knowledge Thy divine help in the selection of our leadership each four years. We recognize, 0 Lord, that in Thy sovereignty Thou has permitted Richard Nixon to lead us at this momentous hour of our his­ tory. We beseech Thee that he will have Thy divine guidance and pow­ er daily. Help him as Thou didst help Thy servants of old. Our Fa­ ther we know his burdens and re­ sponsibilities will be overwhelming. He will hold in his hands the des­ tiny of more people than any man in history. 0 God, our new Presi­ dent needs Thee as no man ever needed Thee in leading a people! There will be times when he will be overwhelmed by the problems at home and abroad that have been building up to the breaking point for many years. Protect him from physical danger. And in the lonely moments of decision grant him an u n com p rom is ing courage to do what is morally right. Give him a cool head and a warm heart. Give him a compassion for those in physical, moral, and spiritual need. We pray that Thou wilt so guide Richard Nixon in handling the af­ fairs of state that the whole world will marvel and glorify Thee. O God, we consecrate Richard Milhous Nixon to the Presidency of these United States with the assur­ ance that from this hour on, as he and his family move into the White House, they will have the presence and the power of Thy Son who said, “ I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” What we pray for President Nixon we pray for Vice President Agnew and members of the Cabinet. May they be given a wisdom and a cour­ age that is beyond their own. Bless them as a team to lead America to the dawning of a new day with renewed trust in God that will lead to peace, justice, and prosperity. We pray this humbly in the Name of the Prince of Peace Who shed His blood on the cross that men might have eternal life. Amen. KB


This reprint of Whyte contains a number of messages which are ap­ propriate for the celebration of the bread and the cup. They manifest evidence of having the influence of “ b rea th from heaven .” The thoughts are arresting and appli­ cable to our daily lives. The book should be especially helpful to pas­ tors who need a new approach in preaching the message of the cross. — 105 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. Re­ viewed by Dr. G. O’Neal. THE FUNDAMENTALS edited by R. A. Tor- rey, A. C. Dixon, andothers. A reprintofthe original unabridged four-volumeedition; Bak­ er Bookhouse; Grand Rapids; $14.95 forthe four-volume set. Each book contains more than350 pages; This four-volume setwas a classic of itstime, andwill be a greataddi­ tion to the libraryof every Bible student. SELECTED SHORTER WRITINGS OF BEN­ JAMIN B. WARFIELD, ed. byJohnE. Meeter; 495 pages; cloth; Presyterianand Reformed Publishing Company, Neutley, New Jersey; $7.50. AN EXPOSITION OF THE GOSPEL OF MARK THE MODERN LANGUAGE NEW TESTAMENT — THE NEW BERKELEY VERSION; 291 pages; cloth; ZondervanPublishing House, Grand Rapids; $3.95. A New Testament edition of the recently published entire Bible in the NewBerkel y version. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HIS GIFTS by J. Oswald Sanders; 153 pages; paper; Zonder­ van Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. A volume in the contemporary, evangelical perspective series. It deals with the place and purposeof the HolySpirit in the life of the believer. ALONG LIFE'S HIGHWAY, by Clarence Ed­ by Herschel H. Hobbs;261 pages; cloth; Baker Bookhouse, Grand Rapids; $6.95. The final volume in a series on the Gospels. Published bythe author, designed for preach­ ing use for a minister of the gospel.

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ward Macartney. 103 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Previously unpublished sermons by Mr. Macartney which have been compiled and edited by Harry E. Farra. The bookis one of the New Minister’s Handbook series. OCTOBER, 1970

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