King's Business - 1970-09

their Saviour instead of as an ex­ ample to follow and surpass.” This gives one an idea of the extent of the rejection of the Gospel implied. The ad begins with a declaration: “ This planet was created by God, with assistance of Mother Nature and other helpers. Some of us must serve as co-creators, to bring this planet to a higher state of per­ fection.” The headline for the ad is BARRAGE OF POPES which he explains: “ Let there be a barrage of popes. Never before in the his­ tory of this planet has there ap­ peared a spectacle of magnitude or intensity near that which is soon to occur: Divine Intervention is En- route!” The changes in the stock market are mentioned and a pre­ diction made that in LaS Vegas on July 18-20 the Lord will turn on “ the gaming tables as never be­ fore,” and it is claimed: “ In due time we shall introduce God’s meth­ ods for healing ‘incurable’ illness; we shall lead our members away from poverty and inflation and op­ pression and war." Then the pur­ pose of the ad is stated: “ We are establishing (3) new re lig io n s , which offer services at home in an effort to guide decent people to an uplifting of their mental, physical, spiritual and financial condition. For members only, we shall gradu­ ally eliminate war and crime and oppression and poverty and dis­ ease.” The Three Popes are then described, with accompanying pho­ tos: “ Herman Rief, Pope of the Church of the Rejuvenation; Sab- bath, Fri. noon to Sat. noon; Mot­ to: First we must rejuvenate our­ selves, then our friends; then this Godforsaken nation; and finally, this entire planet. Amen, Selah, and Hallelujah” ; Charlie Williams, Pope of the Cactus Church; Sabbath, Sunday; Motto: “ Don’t bother us and we won’t bother you as us learns to do greater things than Jesus did” ; Imeh Emmanuel, Pope Neoplatonic Church of Religious Science; Sabbath: Sat. noon to Sun. noon; Motto . . . “ We must strive for HARMONY (which is of God) instead of Peace (which is of man)." KB

Kim Kyung Hee Kim Chang Soo

Won Young Myung

Paula Correa Casanova

Will you love one of us?


will receive good food, a home, education, medical attention. And on l y you can make it possible. Your commitment to support a boy or a girl for just $12 a month will give a child a chance to live, to become a fine human being with Christian ideals. Choose a child who needs your love. His or her picture and life history will be sent to you imme­ diately. And you will know the mean­ ing of love.

Only the child who is loved in this world is fortunate. Only a grownup who is loved in this world is fortunate. For love makes each of us feel wanted. There is somebody you can live for, a little child who will live for you, and because of you. Choose one of these needy children who are supported in Christian Homes by COMPASSION, INC. Each needs a foster father or mother in a faraway land. Every girl and boy you see here will be able to give up the rags he wears for clean clothing. Each child

Rev. Henry Harvey, President, Dept. K-100 7774 Irving Park Road, Chicago, Illinois 60634 (Canadian residents write Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario.)

I want to sponsor a needy child. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice is __________________________ If this child has been chosen, please select similar child, approximately________ years old, from □ India □ Indonesia □ Korea □ Haiti


Enclosed is □ $12 for first month □ $144 for first year. □ Send me child's name, story, address and picture. □ I cannot sponsor a child but want to give $_______ □ Please send me more information. Name.


Address_______________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ State_______________________Zip. Make checks payable to Compassion, Inc. Contributions are tax deductible.





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