ACS 4487 Complaints Report 2024 WEB


The top three complaint categories Over the past year the top three complaint areas are shown in the tables below: RENTED (INCLUDING EXTRA CARE AND CORPORATE TRUSTS) Category Volume 1. Local manager behaviour* 439 2.Local management decision** 436 3. Time to complete – repairs 233 HOMEOWNERSHIP Category Volume 1. Local management decision ** 110 2. Time to complete repairs 62 3. Local manager behaviour* 57 * Typically, these complaints are about the perceived behaviour of location managers ** Typically, these complaints are about decisions that affect residents locally for example car parking, use of communal facilities. SUPPORT SERVICES Category Volume 1. Allocations 43 2. Behaviour/attitude of Support Services colleagues 41 3. Account dispute 37 PROPERTY AND ASSETS TEAMS Category Volume 1.Time to complete repairs 274 2.Lifts 83 3.Quality of work – repairs 56 We use the top three complaint areas to identify themes and trends, and to understand where we need to make improvements to our services. Within Section Three ‘Learning from complaints’, we explain what we have done in the past year in relation to local manager behaviour (the How can I help?’ initiative), lifts and repairs.


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