Biola Broadcaster - 1964-07

of the fact that the flesh or the old man is soi led and dirty in his thoughts, attitudes, and actions, hu­ manly speaking. Yet God has chosen to set up residence in our flesh. The miracle is that the Saviour can live in us and yet not be soiled by us. We are asked to perform the same miracle in the sense that we are to live in a dirty world and yet to remain clean. No wonder we so desperately need the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us. This is why Christ continues in His prayer, “Sanctify them through thy tru th : thy Word is truth” (verse 17). Sanctify means “to separate.” He is praying that we may be kept from that which would soil and tarnish us. God can and will keep us from the taint of the world if we will let Him. Only then can we be truly effective witnesses for Him and have an effect upon the world for His glory with our spiritual beauty. Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you ready to meet others today as a testimony for your Lord? GRACE AMID GLOOM One of the world’s greatest com­ posers, who because of his deafness, might have had a right to shrink back and hide from public view, declared, “I t is the hope I have of heaven with Christ that makes me carry on.” In later years his biographer wrote, “With the shadows of the dark valley closing around him, he could look to the land of promise beyond and with a mighty triumph shout and sing of the joy and victory which surely awaited him.” A man who amid physi­ cal defects and suffering was made strong through the power of God. His name, Ludwig von Beethoven. The Lord Jesus Christ declared, “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weak­ ness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” Do you take pleasure in infirmi­ ties, in reproaches, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake? Then to­ day, you will know that when you are weak, then are you strong.

EXCUSES FOR CHURCHES Every minister is naturally inter­ ested in increasing church attendance. One enterprising pastor ran this in­ teresting check list in one of his bul­ letins. A t the top were the words, “I cannot attend church services be­ cause.” Then he followed it with a list of some reasons or excuses which are frequently given. Each one was to check the proper spaces. Pertinent­ ly, at the bottom of the list, the added suggestion was, “Please tear this out and mail it to God." No doubt the people got the point. How easily we can think of other things when it comes time to fellowship in God’s house. A little girl squirmed as the preacher seemed to be a little longer than usual. She told her mother, “May­ be this seems longer than an hour on television because it’s not so interest­ ing." Is it reaUy a case of not being interested in God’s message? Do we go only because we know it is the right thing to do, or because a loved one has insisted? Is it because we truly love Christ? The Word of God tells us, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but so much the more, as ye see the day' (of Christ’s return) ap­ proaching” (Hebrews 10:25). “I came to your church last Sunday, I walked up and down the aisle, I noticed your seat was vacant,” Said the Master with a kindly smile. “Yes, I was at home,” Some folks up northern way Drove down for the week end visit, so we stayed in the house all day. For I had an awful headache, I had a roast in the pan, And I overslept this morning, but I go whenever I can.” The Master gazed at me sadly as He was about to speak, “My child," He replied, “are there not six other days in the week?" I saw I had grieved my Master as I slowly turned away And I vowed He’d not find me absent again on His holy day.” 14

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