Talbot Seminary Testimonies
A S A YOUTH, I felt the Lord calling me into full-time Christian serv ice. Graduating from the University of California the Lord showed me my place of preparation should be the
all his heart. Through his influence I saw the need to yield myself one hun dred per cent to Christ. After being graduated from U.C. L.A. I entered Talbot Theological Seminary where, along wi t h my studies, I am working with Campus Crusade for Christ. It is my sincere desire to share the wonderful mes sage of Jesus Christ with other young people so that they, too, may experi ence the rich and glorious life which can be found in Christ. ioming from Chinese parentage, I was born and reared in the great metropolis of Calcutta,, India. From early childhood my training was in the practice of the Chinese religion.
Talbot Theological Seminary. Now, af ter four years of t r a i n i n g at this wonderful institu tion, I would urge others to attend. The Semi n a r y holds that the Bi ble is God’s objec tive revelation to
Paul Feinberg man An unasham ed, positive stand is taken for verbal plenary inspiration. The emphasis is both premillennial and dispensational. One thing which has greatly im pressed me is the dedication and scholarship of the professors. Christian fellowship here is another great blessing among both students and faculty. Those who instruct us are always ready to lend a helping hand. For a strong Biblical, evangelical, and Christ-centered course, and it is only these emphasis which can meet the problems of a changing and chal lenging world, Talbot Theological Seminary has been God’s plan for me. H aving attended Sunday school and church all my life I went t h r o u g h t he various departments learning all the Bible stories and verses. Still I found, however, that
This was a strange c omb i n a t i on of Buddhism, Confu cianism and Tao ism. They were all superstitious forms of wor sh ip . We bowed before idols not only in the temple, but also in our home where we had a family altar.
Kenneth Liu
Articles of food and sacrifices were given to appease the gods. Ancestral worship was also a vital part of our religious life. Ail of these proved to be vain and futile, however, for they were empty, without any reality. They insured neither hope nor salvation. Similarly, the religions of my Hindu and Mohammedan friends could not offer me any spiritual truth or value. When I was about fourteen years old, I was invited to attend Sunday school at the Episcopalian church in Calcutta. It was there that I initially came to know about the Lord Jesus Christ. Week by week, as I attended the Sunday school, I became fully aware of God’s plan of salvation. I knew that I was a hopeless sinner, and I learned that Christ died on the cross for me. 33
s ome t h i n g was missing. I needed more t h a n mer e f r i e n d s h i p s and material things for happiness. At sixteen, I met
a boy who seemed to have the peace and joy I so des perately s ough t . Jesus Christ was a reality to him. He loved the Lord with Barbara Fry
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