H ave you ever stopped to realize what the private college has meant to the history and development of this country? While we are not in the least critical of state-supported institutions, yet the evidence clearly and overwhelmingly proves that the spiritual foundation of this nation rests upon the guidance given, under God, by men who received their schooling, in independent privately- owned organizations. Today, because of receiving large grants from tax dollars, it has become more and more difficult for the small college to exist, much less compete with state colleges and universities. Young people who desire training af forded in a small college realize it has very limited funds. Because of this, some choose institutions sup ported by public funds which are to tally lacking in proper spiritual em phasis. For this reason, Biola (The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.), through the years, has asked Chris tian friends to help share in the costs for training dedicated young people. Nominal tuition charges make up about one-third of the cost for a stu dent’s schooling. We do not believe we should “out-price” a deserving youth and hence turn away some fu ture missionary or spiritual leader whom God has marked for a specific ministry. The greatest investment any child of God can make is in a human life, infilled by the Holy Spirit of God. We invite you to join in this vital project which today stands at the crossroads of development. While this year almost 1,000 students are en rolled in Biola’s four schools, our office surveys reveal that next year we may have as many as 100 to 150 more choice students. We desperately need added dormitories and classroom facilities. Will you make it a matter of earn est prayer? Let us hear from you. Our mailing address: The Bible Institute Hour, Los Angeles 17, California. Your investment will bring spiritual dividends as men and women are reached for Christ. 35
lege in Christ. In this connection one thinks of Sir William Osier’s very sound advice. “The load of tomorrow added to that of yesterday, carried today, makes the strongest falter.” Long before Osier’s day, Paul found the joy of this secret. He who has just denied perfection (v. 12) now numbers himself among the perfect (v. 15). The apparent con tradiction is removed by an under standing of the word translated “per fect.” The idea involved is one of maturity. Paul regards himself as spiritually adult (I Cor. 13:11) and associates others with himself in that category. But it is the mark of the mature mind to recognize that there is yet much to learn. Only the fool knows it all, and he quickly reveals his folly by being so cocksure. Vine, “Another token of Paul’s ma turity is in the generous allowance he makes for the brother who might be otherwise-minded, for the adverb he uses means ‘differently.’ Even in such a case, if his attitude is humble, God will show him better in due time. The point is to keep on stepping (a dif ferent word from that usually trans lated ‘walk’) where the light falls brightest. ‘Only, where-unto we have attained, by that same rule let us walk’ (v. 16 ASV). There must be no slipping back.” Dwight L. Moody was living proof of what God can do when the Holy Spirit has control of the{ individual. In a certain city, a group of pastors had met to decide which evangelist they would call for an area-wide series. A number wanted Mr. Moody to come , but there was opposition. One pastor disgustedly declared, “To hear you talk, one would, think that Moody had a monopoly on the Holy Spirit.” One fellow minister arose and answered truthfully, “ Gentlemen, we never want to give that impression , however, I do believe that while Mr. Moody may not have a monopoly on the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit certainly has a monopoly on him!” The direct com mand of Scripture (not a wish, or a hope) states, “Be ye filled with the Spirit.”
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