Biola Broadcaster - 1964-07

LEARNING n r'H E R E IS A VERY IN TER ESTING COm- -IL mand given in Scripture which is as timely now as in the day in which the Lord Jesus Christ gave it. A num­ ber of men were fishing one day and a Stranger came into their midst. He observed their activity and declared, “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). The men to whom He spoke did not realize who it was who spoke. Fishing was their business and their means of livelihood, and here came a Stranger whom they had never seen on the shores of Galilee. The Saviour spoke to these professional fishermen and told them to leave what they were doing and to start fishing for men. What a surprising and star­ tling invitation. The question has often been on my mind, “If I had been one of those fishermen would I have followed the Lord? Why was it that they followed Him?” The account de­ fies all descriptions of human psychol­ ogy and behavior patterns. In Luke’s gospel we get a better view as to why they followed so readily. Now have you ever desired to be something more than what you are? Have you ever had a dream, the ful­ fillment of which you wished could be realized? This is the definite possibil­ ity when you look at the Lord Jesus Christ. How interestingly the Lord Jesus takes the things of the world and uses them to bring spiritual illus­ trations. He meant that in every­ thing we do, whatever our occupa­ tion might be, we can use it to a spir­ itual advantage. We can buy up pre­ cious opportunities to be witnesses for Him. Christ did not come to blame or to judge the world. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. Whatever your occupation (you may never be a fisherman by trade or desire), God will use you to be a soul winner for

by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper

His glory. If you are a lawyer you can be an advocate for lost men by following the Lord. If you are a teacher then you can encourage others to be nurtured in the admonition of the Word so that they may grow thereby. We are told to “Grow in STIRRING THE EAGLE'S NEST The eagle is a mighty bird Who builds her nest on high, She soars above the lofty peaks Where only God |s nigh. She tells her young, “ It's time to fly— Watch me; this is the way!" They look — but much prefer to wait A more convenient day. She throws one out, but watchfully ■With all a mother's care, Swoops underneath so that she might A landing base prepare. Now, if this fails, she stirs the nest To rob it of allure; Removes a prop, one here one there— So makes it less secure; At times our blessed Lord will stir Our tranquil, little nest. When we ignore Him for the world And think our way is best. He takes a prop out here and there And in our plight, our fear— We turn imploringly to Him To find He's ever near. We try to fly and sometimes fall— But always on His Wing! The God touched soul soars high in flight As hearts trust Christ and sing! grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (II Peter 3:18). For the architects the Lord would say, “Come ye after me and I will enable you to become build­ ers of men.” How the world today needs real 7

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