O NE OF the indisputable evidenc es of the truth of God’s Word is that all that Christ promises actually works. This is the reason why, when the Lord told the fishermen who be came His disciples to follow Him, they did. He proved Himself first of all by being a good fisherman. In Luke 5:4 and 5 we read, “Now when he had left (stopped) speak ing, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net.” What an interesting thing we have here. The Lord Jesus asked -a fisherman to do something absolutely contrary to his knowledge. On the surface it may have seemed foolish. Why should they try to catch anything? They had already tried every means. But Peter was willing to try again just to see what might happen. Had he not done this, think of the tremendous blessing he would have missed. Each of us needs to learn this les son. too. How frequently we only go by experience which has failed us, '•ather than trusting and heeding the Word of God. Invariably we rob our selves of the riches in blessing which God has for us. How the Lord likes to bring in the miraculous! He wants to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think. In the case of Peter and his
friends, they caught so many fish that their boat, and that of the one that had drawn alongside them to help, began to sink. Here were hard-bitten fishermen who knew the tides and cur rents, who had been ready to give up in despair. But now with the Lord’s suggestion they had caught more than they had perhaps ever seen at one time. No wonder they wanted to know more about this Man who had given them such good advice. The Lord Jesus looked like an ordinary man to them. One of the greatest things you and I need to learn as Christians is to say to the Lord, “Nevertheless, at thy word we will do it.” How we need to come to the place of complete obedi ence and surrender to the Master. Only here will we find true peace and blessing. Here we will see the ordi nary become the miraculous. By way of a parenthesis, let me just suggest that these were not “ignorant” fishermen. I don’t know where this idea comes from. Doubt less they were businessmen who had a fleet of small ships. We find that they left their service with their hired servants. They were perhaps consid ered prosperous in this type of occupa tion. But the story doesn’t end here. Con cerning the load of fish, the Bible states, “When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees saying, De part from me; for I am a sinful man, 0 Lord” (Luke 5:8). See how quickly 9
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