
LOCAL COUNTRY MUSIC LEGEND EARNS HALL OF FAME STATUS A R T S JOSEPH COPPOLINO played it,” remembers Loyer. “I always got an earful from him.”

Loyer started getting lessons from a family friend who taught him what it meant to be a lead guitarist. Remarkably, by just 12 years old, Loyer joined his brothers on stage in clubs all over Ottawa. “We used to play four hours’ worth of half-hour sets,” said Loyer. “After every set I had to run to the kitchen because I was too young to be in the bar.” “But, they fed me well anyways.” Though he has outlived many of the bars he played in as a child and young man, Loyer has become a stalwart, a near permanent fixture, of the region’s music scene. The 65-year-old Rockland-based truck driver and his guitar are still making appearances in bars and clubs around the Ottawa valley and Gatineau. The twang of his steel lap guitar is easily recognizable to the most diehard local country fans, a unique blend of modern country sounds, blended with the early clas- sic influences of his childhood like Twitty and Haggert. Now Loyer’s commitment to music will be forever etched in stone as he is inducted into the Ottawa Valley Country Music Hall of Fame, one of four inductees for the class of 2023. “It’s a real honour,” said Loyer, who wasn’t expecting the accolade. “It’s a beautiful recognition.” On September 24, Loyer will be officially inducted. The event, held at the Meridian

The love of country music has been a big part of Daniel Loyer’s life, having started playing professionally at just 12 years old. Now, the Ottawa valley’s country music fans are returning the love with an induction into the Hall of Fame. Despite being just 65, for the better half of a century, Loyer, a guitarist and bass player, has performed in country bars and clubs around the region with more than 30 different bands. Having spent the vast majority of his life playing music, it is no surprise the local country music legend is being recognized for his contribution. Now hailing from Rockland with his wife Jane Wyman, Loyer was born in Ottawa, a middle child in a house with 16 other musically inclined siblings, a trait his said runs in his mother’s family. The house was always filled with country music from George Jones to Merle Haggert and Willie Nelson. But his fascination with guitar really started by watching his decades older brother and a friend jam, entranced by their guitar playing. “I just sort of sat and stared at what he was doing,” said Loyer. “Eventually it just sort of caught on.” He soon picked up the guitar, often snea- king practice sessions when his brother wasn’t around until he got one of his own. “I didn’t know he was placing the picks in a certain spot, so he knew whenever I

Daniel Loyer (droite), musicien country de Rockland, est présent sur la scène depuis plus d’un demi-siècle. Son dévouement à la musique country de la vallée de l’Outaouais lui a valu une place au Temple de la renommée de la musique country de la vallée de l’Outaouais. - photo facebook

Theatres @ Centrepointe in Ottawa, will include entertainment from more than 20 local performers from across the Ottawa

Valley celebrating the newest class of inductees.



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ROCKLAND, le 26 avril 2022 : Le Club Optimiste de Rockland est heureux d’annoncer que Desjardins renouvelle son appui du 46 e souper homard annuel du Club Optimiste de Rockland à titre de commanditaire principal. C’est au Centre de services de Rockland que les représentants de Desjardins remettaient un chèque de 5 000 $ aux membres du Club Optmiste le 11 avril dernier. Sur la photo de gauche à droite, Christian Albuisson, directeur de développement de marché, Luc Laflèche, coordonnateur du souper homard, Monique Lalande, membre CA, Gisèle Giroux, conseillère en gestion du patrimoine et Madeleine Charron, responsable de la vente de billets. L’appui de Desjardins depuis plus de 15 ans assure le succès de la soirée et permet au Club Optimiste de Rockland de continuer à appuyer des initiatives et des projets qui servent à « Inspirer le meilleur chez les jeunes »! Rappelons que la 46 e édition du souper homard du Club Optimiste de Rockland aura lieu le samedi 3 juin à compter de 18 h à l’aréna Clarence-Rockland au 8710, route 17, à Rockland . Il faut acheter vos billets à l’avance en appelant le 613-850-5909 : il reste toujours des billets.

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