

soins de santé mentale universels et la forme que prendront ces soins. Visitez le site www. pour plus d’infor- mations et pour télécharger des ressources. Selon l’ACSM, il suffit d’écouter et de soutenir les personnes qui racontent leur histoire, d’en apprendre davantage sur les types de soutien en matière de santé mentale ou de comprendre la différence entre la santé mentale et la maladie mentale pour s’impliquer. levels. Residents are encouraged to keep an eye on changing water and weather conditions throughout the week, as uncertainty remains regarding rainfall amounts in the coming days and people are advised to stay away from watercourses where flows are high and where banks might be unstable. Parents are also encouraged to explain dangers to children and provide supervision near all waterbodies. 8BUFSMFWFMGPSFDBTUTEPOPUBDDPVOUGPS impact of wind and waves along the shores. Des précipitations de plus de 40 millimètres au cours de la fin de semaine devraient faire gonfler la rivière des Outaouais une fois de plus. - photo Joseph Coppolino

The Ottawa River is expected to rise after several days of significant rain- fall over the weekend, but should still remain well below the historical flood levels of 2019, according to the Ottawa River Regulation Committee (ORRC) and South Nations Conservation autho- rity (SNC). More than 40 milimetres of rain fell over the weekend, with an additional 10 to 15 millimetres forecasted by Tuesday, May 2, adding more water to the Ottawa River at a time when water levels are already near major flood thresholds. The ORRC expects between Gatineau and Montreal the levels could rise an additional 15 to 20 centimetres as runoff from the rainfall event makes its way into the main part of the river. The water flow reading at Carillon, Québec as of Monday, May 1, was 6414 cubic metres per second. Flow is expected to increase to 7000 cubic metres QFSTFDPOECZ8FEOFTEBZ 4/$BOEUIF.JOJTUSZPG/BUVSBM3FTPVSDFT and Forestry have stated that Rockland and Hawkesbury are areas of concern. In its latest update issued Friday, April 28, the 4/$TBJEUIFXBUFSMFWFMJO3PDLMBOEDPVME

rise by an additional 45 centimetres above levels recorded last Friday morning, which were 25 centimetres above the highest level

recorded this year. A similar increase in water levels near Hawkesbury are expected, at approximately 40 centimetres above current

CHRISTOPHER SMITH L’ACSM PROMEUT LA SEMAINE DE LA SANTÉ MENTALE perceptions sur la santé mentale en aidant les gens à partager leurs expériences et à raconter leur histoire. Selon l’ACSM, le partage des expériences a un effet bénéfique sur la santé mentale et rappelle aux gens qu’ils ne sont pas seuls.

L’ACSM fait la promotion de sa semaine annuelle de la santé mentale, qui a lieu la première semaine de mai. L’Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (ACSM) célèbre chaque année la Semaine de la santé mentale au cours de la première semaine de mai. Jusqu’au 7 mai, l’ACSM sensibilise la population et change les

Le thème de la Semaine de la santé men- UBMFFTUj.0/)*450*3&vFUWJTFÆBUUJSFS l’attention sur les programmes communau- taires de santé mentale et sur les voix qui se font entendre. Il s’agit également d’explorer les

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