23 No policy should be construed to confer any express or implied contractual relationship or rights to any Team Member. The Company reserves the right to modify any policy as necessary, in its sole discretion, to the extent permitted by law. Violation of any Company policies or procedures can result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. If you have any questions about this handbook or Company policies, please feel free to discuss with your Manager or HR. Raising funds for Team Members in need through organized events or crowdfunding is permitted in special circumstances upon approval by the GM, MMD/RVP and HR Manager. Samples of such events are bake sales, barbeques, dunk tanks and money collection through reputable crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe. Participation in these events must be voluntary. There can be no pressure applied to Team Members to participate in fundraising events. Team Members may opt out of any fundraising event. Team Members may not be treated differently or ridiculed for opting in or out of any fundraising event. Fundraising events should be rare and only be held for legitimate needs like medical or other crises such as displacement due to fire or natural disaster. Team Members participating in fundraising events should be told why the event is being held and what the money raised will be used for. Dishonesty in fundraising is a serious violation of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Please respect the Team Member in need’s privacy by securing the Team Member’s permission before revealing any personal information about the need. If the money raised is intended to be a surprise, or if the Team Member is unable to provide permission due to incapacity, then your HR Manager must review and approve any information shared about the Team Member in need. Soliciting fellow Team Members to participate in your personal charitable interests on Company property or using Company email or other platforms requires pre-approval from your GM (MMD/ RVP if GM requesting to solicit) or support center department head and local HR Director. However, noninvasive solicitations for 501(c)(3), (4) or (6) charities are permissible so long as you carefully avoid causing disruption or annoyance. An example of a noninvasive solicitation is placing an order form for your child’s school fundraiser in the breakroom with a note explaining your support for the cause. No Team Member, other than an officer duly authorized, has the authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the Company. Therefore, no Team Member should incur any unauthorized expense on the part of the Company. Please see the Company’s Delegation of Authority Policy for additional information. Crowdfunding and Fundraising Policy Conflict of Interest Policy Team Members must avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest. This means business decisions must be based on the best interest of the Company and its shareholders, not your personal interest, and you must not use your business position to benefit yourself, family or friends. Here are a few examples of potential conflicts of interest: • Dealing with an immediate family member who is employed by a supplier, vendor, competitor or Guest may be a conflict of interest. • Investing in or funding a supplier, Guest, business partner or competitor of the Company, or pursuing a business opportunity discovered while working for the Company, may be a conflict of interest. • Directing subordinates to retain a vendor with whom you have a personal relationship is prohibited. • The Company cannot buy products or do business with you or companies operated by you. • Diverting Guests to a business owned by you or a family member is also prohibited. • Using the Company’s facilities such as the body shop to repair personal or family vehicles without opening a ticket is prohibited. • Accepting personal payments from the Company’s suppliers, vendors, Guests or other partners is strictly prohibited. For further information, consult the Company’s Conflict of Interest and Gifts Policy. If you have a conflict of interest question, or think an exception may apply, contact the Company’s’ Chief Legal Officer or Chief Audit and Risk Executive at 770.418.8200. Contract Authorization Policy
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