Wellbeing and Attendance Management Policy Implementation T…

Step 2: Create the guiding coalition.

Staff Side Staff side partnership is crucial throughout policy development, ratification, implementation, manager training, and evaluation. Staff side involvement supports each phase, ensuring the policy is practical and aligned with real needs. Staff-side representatives play a direct role in supporting managers with implementation. Human Resources HR will work in close partnership across all stages: development, ratification, implementation, and evaluation. As leaders in training managers, HR will need capacity to handle high volumes, quickly equipping managers to apply the policy. HR also has a direct role in supporting managers through implementation. Wellbeing Champion Wellbeing Champions or individuals in your organisation with an equivalent role e.g. Wellbeing Leads, will help lead the policy’s development, ratification, and implementation stages, ensuring momentum. They coordinate training, support the implementation process, and drive evaluation efforts, keeping wellbeing a visible priority. Executive Support and Sponsorship Executive support, ideally with a committed Chief People Officer, will provide strong sponsorship for the policy, helping to secure buy-in, resources, and alignment with organisational priorities.


Wellbeing and Attendance Management Policy Implementation Toolkit

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