Durham University - Head of Sustainability and Energy

Job Description

Job Title:

Head of Sustainability and Energy Estates and Facilities Directorate Senior Energy Manager Senior Energy and Sustainability Manager (Sustainability) Director of Estates Operations

• providing postal, delivery and security arrangements and advice to the University; and


• delivering a wide-range of customer-facing services, including contract management; estates and facilities relationships management; housekeeping and cleaning, business resilience, event management; reception helpdesk; university retail; business support; health and safety; and management information. The Head of Sustainability and Energy will be responsible for the University’s environmental sustainability and energy commitments, providing leadership and strategic direction, in relation to sustainability and energy initiatives. The post- holder will be responsible for driving innovation enabling the University to be at the forefront of sustainability and energy. The post-holder will lead the Sustainability and Energy team, within the Estates and Facilities Directorate, and will play a key role creating and implementing sustainability and energy activities, to achieve the University’s agreed targets and objectives. The post-holder will be responsible for working with colleagues to identify a range of organisational best practice approaches on issues such as procurement, ICT, student and staff engagement, communications, behavioural change, carbon and waste reduction and elimination activities, and sustainability in teaching and learning.

Responsible to: Responsible For:


Grade 9

Salary range: Working arrangements:


Permanent Full-time, Nominal 35 hours, Hybrid Working Arrangements

The Directorate and role purpose The Estates and Facilities Directorate provides a number of essential services to Durham University and is responsible for managing, maintaining and developing the infrastructure and building fabric of the various campuses, including: • maintaining and regularly reviewing a maintenance programme which takes account of short, medium and long term needs of all buildings and University grounds • implementing the works identified and funded within the various maintenance programmes and operating a system for dealing with day-to- day requirements, including the provision of an out-of-hours emergency service • providing a professional, technical service to the University for the design, construction and procurement of new buildings and adaptation works to existing buildings • identifying and recording the use of space and advising on ways of increasing space utilisation • property and asset management • acquisition and disposal of built environment related assets • procuring and managing utilities and services

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