NTMY works 2022

Nedko Bucev's new artworks about water.


Riverscape, 2022 Glass, Hudson river water , 11 x 14.5 x 4 inches.

Mixture 1732-1926, 2022 Handmade Color Glass, Poly Propylene, Tap water from specific locations.*

This work is a mixture of tap water from the birthplaces of four of the Fathers of the US Nation with tap water from the home of an American who lost the capacity to create memories and lived only in the present.** The samples were ordered, shipped, and delivered by USPS to my house in 42 days. Also, each tap water has been listed with contaminants according to EWG (www.ewg.org)

The Hudson River flows for 350 miles through towns and cities in NY and NJ states. The three glasses have river water from the headwaters to the estuary. The work visualizes cancer probability for every one of the 3.5 Million population around the river. Left-Lake Tear of the Clouds, the Hudson river headwaters (near the town of Keene, NY). -449/100K* Middle- The town of Hudson Falls, NY - 514/100K** Right glass is filled with tap water from Staten Island NY- 529/100K***

*Video of the mixing process- https://youtu.be/Q3-vOMza8bM **Information about the American who lived only in present- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrmU8P3kBvM

* https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/vol1/v1cessex.htm ** https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/vol1/v1cwashington.htm *** https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/vol1/v1crichmond.htm

Mixture 470 BCE-2022, Glass, Hemlock (Conium maculatum), Tap water, Purified water

Grapes and Bubbles, 2022 Video https://youtu.be/4OyY01AMM1Q https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-spacex-mars-cost-b2060962.html Bubbles Mr. Musk reiterated that he aims to colonize Mars by building a self-sustaining city of a million people on the planet. In the past, Mr Musk has estimated that a ticket to Mars on a SpaceX flight would cost between $100,000 and $500,000.” Grapes International Space Station (ISS), orbiting the Earth at a mere 17,100mph, the nearest corner shop is approximately 230 miles away and not exactly easy to reach. You can’t just pop out of the door and nip to the shops. Not unless you wear a vacuum suit and have a space rocket and lander module to hand. When living in such a remote and inhospitable location, water becomes a commodity on board the ISS, costing approximately $10,000 for a bottle (1L) of water. For this experiment, I used 8L of water.

The right jar contains tap water from a street drinking fountain of Alopece (Athens), the birthplace of Socrates, sampled in August 2022. According to https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283624843_4The_quality_of_ Athens_drinking_water_and_its_further_improvement - today’s tap water of that place has 150 times more Arce- nic than the healthy level, 220 times more Lead than the health level, and Mercury 25 times more than the healthy level. These contaminations cause 530/100 000 yearly lung, kidney, and liver cancer cases. 95% of the cases slowly die in the diapason between 6 months to 2 years.* The left jar contains purified water in place of the drinking water of antique Greece and Hemlock (Conium macu- latum), that poisonous plant infusion that killed Socrates. *As a comparison, in the battle of Marathon (490 BCE)

died, 192 Athenians. also see here: (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21609468/) https://gco.iarc.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/300-greece-fact-sheets.pdf

SkinScaping - 2022 Digital Photography, Dimensions variable, Arsenic Trioxide Powder, Tap Water

The Garden State might be called the Toxic Waste State. It has a list of more than 14,100 properties with soil and groundwater contamination and heavy metals, including arsenic, chromium, and aluminum.* *https://nj1015.com/polluted-new-jersey-the-most-toxic-sites-in-your-neighborhood/

Monument V - 2022 Digital Photography of a found object of PP on random stones. Dimensions variable. Monument V could be seen on Weehawken, New Jersey 07086 at 40.763436, -74.018352 According to https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/how-do-we-know-plastic-will-take-so-long-to-decompose. html it will be there for between 50 and 500 years.

Monument I, 2022 Digital photography, found object made of polypropilene, silscreen printouts. Monument I could be seen on Weehawken, New Jersey 07086 at 40.765477, -74.017134 According to https://www.aaapolymer.com/a-simple-guide-to-polypropylene-recycling-for-businesses/ it will be there for “... polypropylene slowly degrades and can take anywhere from 20-30 years to break- down. This characteristic poses massive environmental concerns because the additives used in manufac- turing may include toxins like cadmium and lead.

W like Well, 2022 Media info, Google image

34% for Untitled , 2022 Media info, Google image

Minerals in the sea air reduce stress. Negatively charged ions in the sea air combat free radicals, improving alertness and concentration. Salt in the water preserves tryptamine, serotonin, and melatonin levels in the brain, diminishing depression or increasing your overall sense of wellness. Research has demonstrated that the sounds of waves alter the brain’s wave patterns, producing a state of relaxation. Water temperature plays an integral role in emotional health as well. According to Dr. Connie Hernandez and Dr. Marcel Hernandez of Pacific Naturopathic in Mountain View, California, “cool water in the spring and fall months provides a soothing treatment for your nerves, while warmer waters in the summer months relax your muscles.”

Chemical compounds found in these plastic bottles (known as phthalates) may exacerbate the natural reduction in testosterone. There is a definite correlation between phthalates and reduced testosterone levels. The correlation was more decisive in young boys, who showed a drop in testosterone by up to 34%.* https://www.levinlaw.com/news/testosterone-your-bottled-water-responsible#:~:text=A%20study%20pub- lished%20in%20the,the%20natural%20reduction%20in%20testosterone.


Evolution Water 2022 Contaminated tap water, stones, glass and PP “Don’t count on a cure for cancer any time soon, say scientists. Instead, we will find a way to live with it. There are some similarities between cancer and the principle of the day-to-day evolution.” Two thousand five hundred years ago, Thales of Miletus was the first who argue that nobody is responsi- ble for day-to-day events but us. He believed that we could explain and predict events if we understood natural phenomena. It unleashed people’s ability to think about the underlying causes of what we expe- rience. It was the first who dumped superstition in favor of science. Perhaps. * https://sciencenordic.com/cancer-denmark-videnskabdk/scientists-we-will-never-find-a-cure-for- cancer/1439518

Berry’s Bottle and Cup, 2022 Glass, Reem , and tap water, 9 x 8 x 5 inches.

Berry’s Creek is less than a mile from my home. “The creek has the highest concentrations of methyl mer- cury of any fresh-water sediment in the world.”* Lately, next to the methyl mercury appeared the so call PFAS** According to governmental data, the tap water is inside the EPA standards. Still, Berry’s Creek indirectly damages people through the contaminated birds, insects, plants, and air. During the last seven years, the cancer cases in the area grew from 405 to 460 per 100 000 people.*** * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berry%27s_Creek ** https://www.aaas.org/epi-center/pfas#:~:text=Per%2D%20and%20polyfluoroalkyl%20substances%20(PFAS)%20are%20 a%20class%20of,and%20are%20difficult%20to%20destroy. *** https://statecancerprofiles.cancer.gov/map/map.withimage.php?34&county&001&001&00&0&01&0&1&5&0#results

Divider, 2022 Wood, Printed paper, Glass, Info links The work is about the substantial difference between the oficial data related to tap water contamination and all contaminants detected in the tap water system of the US.

Water Bill Back print , 2022 Performance with Silkscreen printing on body A silkscreen stretcher with a burned image of my tap water bill was printed with paint made from white lead oxide, glow paint, and silkscreen base on my back.

Slapboxing about Tap Water, 2022 Performance Me, anonimous EPA officer, table, lead oxide powder. An officer of EPA and me are sitting on a table. I’m with my hands down meanwhile he is slapping me with his left and right hand. In place of talcum he is using white lead oxide powder. Slap boxing is a physical activity somewhat simulating boxing, where open-handed slaps are used in- stead of fists. This quasi-martial art form, at an intersection between sparring and fighting, is usually performed in an ad hoc or informal manner or when boxing protective gear is unavailable. Although a popular pastime in some circles, it is generally not considered a competitive sport but rather a game or training drill.

City High lead, 2022 Lead wire, lead leaf, lead pipe, water, water pump, glass.

the Spirit of Ecstasy, 2022 Anotized bronze, tap water, Lead Oxide, glass, aluminum cap. Rolls Royce cars sold between 2002-2022, in NJ, NY, IL, OH, MI, WI, IN, FL, CA, and TX are 25,200 for an average price of 800K. Total 20B. Lead lines homes in the same states are 4M. Price per lead line change 5K. Total 20B. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2021/05/13/what-would-it-cost-to-replace-all-the-nations-lead- water-pipes/

The building form most closely associated with New York City is the skyscraper, which has shifted many commercial and residential districts from low-rise to high-rise. Surrounded mostly by water, the city has amassed one of the largest and most varied collection of skyscrapers in the world. Lead service lines were installed in New York City till 1961. This means that today all iconic skyscrapers had partially or entirely lead water lines.

Newborn, 2022 Lead leaf, tap water, lead oxide, glass In 2020 in NJ and NY, close to nineteen thousand babies were born in households with lead water lines.

Newborn I, 2022 Lead leaf, tap water, lead oxide, PVC bucket

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