NTMY works 2022

Evolution Water 2022 Contaminated tap water, stones, glass and PP “Don’t count on a cure for cancer any time soon, say scientists. Instead, we will find a way to live with it. There are some similarities between cancer and the principle of the day-to-day evolution.” Two thousand five hundred years ago, Thales of Miletus was the first who argue that nobody is responsi- ble for day-to-day events but us. He believed that we could explain and predict events if we understood natural phenomena. It unleashed people’s ability to think about the underlying causes of what we expe- rience. It was the first who dumped superstition in favor of science. Perhaps. * https://sciencenordic.com/cancer-denmark-videnskabdk/scientists-we-will-never-find-a-cure-for- cancer/1439518

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